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Its true that sometimes cops have nothing better to do than harass people at night. I was heading home from a friends party on Saturday night and two cops pulled me over. It was about 2:20 am, and they claim my license plate light was out. Yeah, BS. But they made me do the whole song and dance drunk test. Man that was a nerve racking and embarrassing experience! Ok, I had been drinking most of the day, but I stopped about four hours before I drove home. I was also drinking light beer at a very slow pace and played about six games of volley ball during that time.  I know my limit and when I shouldn't drive if I've been drinking, and I knew I was ok to drive that night. But you never know. Even when you feel sober enough when you have had a few drinks earlier in the day, some trace might be in your system. Long story short, I passed all the tests, even the breathalizer and they let me go with a warning to fix my bulb and renew my registration. My Bday was two weeks ago and I never got around to that yet. The cop was actually really nice and he didnt write a ticket for the registration and the bulb because he said I was really cooperative. But damn, it was an experience I dont want to go through ever again.