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#1  Edited By Steph229

@mosespippy said:

My uncle used to go to the dump after it closed every garbage day and go through every new bag of garbage for recycling or salvageable items. He found FFVII, FF Origins and Chrono Cross at his local dump which he gave to me. That's how I got into Final Fantasy and RPGs in general. Unfortunately FFVII only had 2 discs (the third was from FFVIII) and I didn't notice until I reached disc 3. I borrowed it from a friend eventually. Chrono Cross has never worked past the first town either. I also got a grip of Dreamcast games but don't have a Dreamcast to play them.

He also found loads of hockey cards from the 60s to 80s as well as some wrestling cards (Hulk vs Andre the Giant at Wrestlemania!) so I have those too and some comics from the 60s. The only Superman one though has the cover fallen off so I don't think it's worth much.

Wow, that's awesome! People will throw out anything... It still boggles my mind why people wouldn't try to sell things or give them away or something rather than trashing stuff like that.

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#2  Edited By Steph229

@psylah: Yeah, I guess it just depends. But you never know, there's always the possibility of finding some good games, at least after awhile.

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#3  Edited By Steph229

@SexyToad said:

Hello and welcome! I am SexyToad the sexiest!

Hi, and thanks! :)

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#4  Edited By Steph229

@DeF said:

@Steph229 said:

Some of my favorite games include Spyro, Crash, Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, Sly Cooper, Grand Theft Auto, Mario, Pokemon,

are you secretly playing "odd-man-out" with us? :D

btw, Hi! :)

Yes, because clearly I'm the only one who likes those games. lol. :) and hello! :)

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#5  Edited By Steph229

So while looking around on YouTube I stumbled upon a fascinating sort of subculture of people who dumpster dive for video games. That's right. They dig through trash to find video games. And some of them apparently find some awesome stuff. Apparently Gamestop likes to throw out old cases, slightly damaged accessories, and sometimes even perfectly good working consoles and games! I've seen plenty of videos such as these, where people have pretty good finds:

What do you think about this? It sounds pretty cool to me, I mean, free video games? Who wouldn't love that? But then there's the whole "trash" part of it too. Still, I might have to try looking in some dumpsters by Gamestop sometime...

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#6  Edited By Steph229

So this is my first blog post. I'll probably make some blogs about random stuff pertaining to video games. I personally enjoy most types of games. My favorite consoles are the NES, SNES, GBC, GBA, DS, PS1, PS2 and PS3. I'm fascinated by most of the old school games too. Ya know, those ones on the old computer systems. Not really a fan of shooters, more into action, adventure, puzzle, ect. Some of my favorite games include Spyro, Crash, Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, Sly Cooper, Grand Theft Auto, Mario, Pokemon, and a bunch more random as well as some obscure games. Too many to list. But anyways, this is a short post but just kinda wanted to do an intro and say what I was into. I'll probably put up some more blogs soon so check back. :)