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I Just Bought Shenmue II For Dreamcast

I already played through Shenmue II a couple of years ago when it was first released for Xbox. Shortly after that I picked up the original game, Shenmue I for Dreamcast and loved it, too.  
Though it's difficult to get access into those games, at least that's how I felt during the first few hours of the games, they are worth your time. I was stunned when I noticed how the town in Shenmue I changes during the winter (It starts in October I think and goes on till February if I remember correctly). It's starting to snow, the streets turn white, people put decoration into their windows around Christmas and so on. The overall atmosphere was better than in most modern games. 
And since I loved the games so much I thought about playing through them once again. 
Though I already possess the Xbox version of Shenmue II, I couldn't resist when I saw the PAL version of the game in a German online shop used for 26,99€ (The game is always English so if you want to pick it up, too: I also bought Shenmue I there for ten bucks a couple of weeks ago for a friend however it's out of stock right now. Now I am looking forward for the game to arrive... actually I am looking forward for games to arrive since I also ordered Ecco the Dolphin, Jet Set Radio and V-Rally 2 which are also three great games, V-Rally 2 had a superb track editor and got me interested into racing games back when it was released. 
Anyway, as soon as I get it I will post how good the condition of the games is, since they are all comparably cheap and used. Like I said I ordered at the shop before and the condition was great last time but you never know until you got the item in your hands.