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Top Ten Games 2012 Edition

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  • Predictable I know but I really wrestled with this one and for a while it wasn't numero uno. But after hours of deliberation considering the highs and lows on multiple playthroughs and the fact that i still keep going back even now made this one fight it's way to the top despite all the controversies. It's not the best Mass Effect game but I am Commander Shepard and this is my favorite game of 2012.

  • SWEEET! From that first opening section I knew I was going to love this game. A genuinly fantastic, entertaining story with characters that have proper story arcs and

    a better synthetics-organics conclusion than some other games this year. Also kick ass French robot Yay!

  • I got to enjoy this in the perfect possible circumstanses, release window with everyone else all filling in their own pieces of the overall puzzle in unison. Having finished the game once you find out that you've only barely scratched the surface and I found myself completely engrossed until i'd seen every last nook and cranny.

  • Forget the story, forget the second island, forget fucking Buck. This sank it's claws in early on and I happily lost many an hour mooching around the jungle in a pirate on tiger on rocket launcher three way of gleefull chaos.

  • This wasn't even on my radar until a fortnight before release but proved to be inovative and enthraling. Swapping pawns and being left to do what I wanted in the world but at my own risk was refreshing and genius.

  • Devisive at best but in my eyes the Hitman game i've wanted for years. Accessability is such a dirty word these days but it made this one fun and easy to experiment with without having to constantly keep saving and reloading. This is the Hitman that fit into my busy dad costume and just let me enjoy myself.

  • Won out over DOA due to it's massive roster, bonkers Japaneseness and variety and abundance of content. The game just kept on giving. Also the beat em up that did dlc right. I'm looking at you lil' santas outfits!

  • The first part of the tag-team battle that rekindled my love of the beat em up. Only narrowly missing out on a higher place. It was much better than I was expecting and also breasts.

  • An fps with a devilishly amusing toolset for highly entertaining, futuristic cyberpunk baddie offing. Solid, tactical and infinitely more interesting than any modern combat fps.

  • episodic piss take of the Miyan apocalypse but genuinely amusing and with the high score chasing addictiveness that keeps you coming back.