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2024's Games I Gave the Delight of My Company

How do you do, fellow gamers? Here is a list of games I played enough of in 2024 to have an opinion on.

List items

  • A huge disappointment, through and through. It spends so much time reminiscing about the first two games that it forgets it's supposed to be telling a plot of its own until its last fourth or so. Kick out its legs of cameos and the game has nothing to stand on, narratively. I gave up on it about three quarters of the way through when a bug prevented me from entering a city, and wound up watching the rest on YouTube. Honestly, kinda wish I'd just jumped straight ahead into ToCS IV. The whole goddamn game feels like wheel-spinning in the worst possible way.

  • Fun little indie take on Animal Crossing with a really smart control scheme. The midgame is a grind but ehhhh, it's not too bad. Great podcast game.

  • Cute little breezy puzzler. The gameplay is pretty simple but the kitchen sink attitude towards level design and influences is fantastic. Charming as all hell.

  • Ready to get the band back together for the THIRD game in the row? Ready to be teased again with better characters from better games only to have them yoinked away from you in favor of the stale soggy half-loaf that is the characters of the latter two Cold Steel games? Whooooo boy, do I have the game for you!

  • A chill delight of a game that rewards patience and exploration without any real threat except a "just one minute more!" mentality. Fantastic game and a serious contender for my GOTY