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Nintendo is releasing a special Pokemon at 200 Namco Amusement arcades in Japan - Oct 12 - Dec 10

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We all know that people love Pokémon. It has been a phenomenon for a long time now. It is still crazy popular in the west, but in it's fatherland of Japan it is an old standby that never falters. Pokemon has kept up it's popularity through the years and, with the newest release on 3DS, it is converting a whole new generation of players.

According to #'s twitter account,

“ナムコのお店でDS”で『ポケットモンスター X・Y』キャンペーン開催
10/10/13 4:20 AM
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if you go to one of the 200 Namco Amusements located across Japan between October 12, 2013 and December 10, 2013, connect to the #, answer a quiz, and you will be added into a lottery (for the chance) to win a (”メガバシャーモ”になれる“アチャモ”)Achamo that will turn into a MEGA Bashamo. Now, since everybody can't win the special Pokemon, you might also win other prizes based on location.

It looks like Nintendo is getting back to the glory days of making those of us who live overseas supremely jealous. If you want this special Pokemon, get yourself to Japan before the Fukushima reactor leak hits Tokyo and we get Neo Tokyo.