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Average score of 3 user reviews

A magnificent game that is hurt by length and sometimes controls. 0

I'd first like to begin by saying, This is my first Ninja Gaiden game.This game has inspired me to try out the rest of the series because from what it feels like, this series is a button-mashing series and I love button-mashing.Anyways here I go... The Gameplay is great. All you got to do is slide your stylus across the screen a million times till all the monsters disappear and you can move to the next area, any blind person can do it!(I'm not blind) The bad thing about it is that sometimes you...

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Quite possibly the best Sonic game to hit a home console ever! 1

This game is absolutely incredible and No I am not saying that because I am a Sonic fan I really did enjoy this game.I put many hours into it, I played it night and day, and I even stayed home to play instead of going out and spending time with the family. Anyways let me begin... The graphics.....well......they're pretty. The cut scenes around the end are absolutely amazing but it's pretty sad that almost all the cut scenes were made to look like a book I mean ok the game takes place in a book ...

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This is definitely the game the Wii was made for. 0

This game is absolutely outstanding. It definitely deserves it's title of GOTY 2007. If you are a Wii owner this is the one and only must have game for the Wii. As good as SSBB,MKW,MOH2, and all the other high rated games this is the one game you have to have or get. The gameplay in this is incredible. You'll find yourself playing this game at 3 in the morning just because its so fun and smooth. The game doesn't over-use or under-use the Wii-mote, well at least to me. The sound is one of the man...

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