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Top 5 and Bottom 5 Developers of 2011

So the way this will work is I will list the same rank of each list side by side. I wanted to explain this to avoid confusion. Just a disclaimer, this is all based on my opinion, I'm not trying to trying to flame anyone who's reading.

List items

  • Top 5, No. 5: Team Meat produced one of the most addicting games of the year in 90 days. The Binding of Isaac has a sublime soundtrack and fantastic game play and was developed in 3 months. Oh yeah, it only costs 5 dollars, providing that a big budget and two or more year development cycle are not necessary to make a great game.

  • Bottom 5, No. 5: Shadows of the Damned was a good game. It had great music and the game play was solid. However, after games like Killer 7 and No More Heroes, SOTD is incredibly tame and disappointing. Also, the game is short and can be finished in 6 or 7 hours. This feels more like Resident Evil 5 with Suda 51 aesthetics, and I hated Resident Evil 5.

  • Top 5, No. 4: Eidos Montreal surprised me this year. I was fully expecting Deus Ex 3 to be shit and it wasn't. In fact is was one of the best games I've played all year and it has been a pretty good year for gaming. With this game passing through the depths of development hell onto my list of favorite games, I applaud you Eidos Montreal.

  • Bottom 5, No. 4: I used to like Bioware. I love the Mass Effect series, and i especially loved Dragon Age: Origins, but why combine the two series? Not everything needs to be stream lined. DA:O was pretty great the way it was. Dragon Age II strips much of that away. Let an RPG be an RPG, Bioware, and please don't commit the crime of franchise murder.

  • Top 5, No. 3: I was not the biggest fan of Infamous, so the fact that i love Infamous 2 is a big deal. Sucker Punch pretty much knocked it out of the park and everything i didn't like about the first game was improved or removed. The music is killer, the navigation is better, the visual design provides more variety and the whole package seems more polished. Oh yeah, the game was really fun too. Beyond, having Festival of Blood as a stand alone title instead of a disc based add on was genius. I haven't played FOB yet but i really can't wait.

  • Bottom 5, No. 3: L.A. Noire was a good game. It was inventive and the visual and audio design was top notch. Beyond that, I felt that L.A. Noire is overrated. I feel there is no replay value and saddly i got bored while playing it. For example, L.A. Noire was released in May, Infamous 2 in June, Shadows of the Damned in July. I finished Infamous 2 and Shadows of the Damned before L.A. Noire. Furthermore, Team Bondi is on this list because of Brendan McNamara and his bloated fucking ego and narcissistic personality. People have lives outside of work, you fascist pig.

  • Top 5, No. 2: I was skeptical of putting Bethesda on this list. However, between their publishing of Brink, Hunted and Rage, and their development of Skyrim, their ambition should not be under stated. Skyrim has me divided a bit, i disagree with some of the design choices, i wish the combat weren't so shitty, but i can't stop playing this game. The sound is some of the best in games, particularly the music, and any game that can convince me to invest 45 hours without touching the main quest line is amazing. Oh, and did I mention the auroras that show up at night?

  • Bottom 5, No. 2: This may be a harsh judgment, but I really haven't enjoyed a single Assassin's Creed since II. I feel that AssCreed is becoming Ubisoft's Call of Duty, and that is disappointing. Not to mention, each game has considerable screen tearing. But besides technical flaws, franchise fatigue is a major concern. I would much rather have had AssCreed I, II, then III, instead of this trilogy within a trilogy. And Ubisoft should be smacked in the head for the shitty first person puzzle/platforming and tower defense garbage in AssCreedRev.