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Soaps Horrible JRPG Challenge!

Ladies and gentlemen, I propose to you the stupidest idea to enter my mind in possibly, oh I don't know... a week? and that Idea? 

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First things first, I feel I should clarify what this challenge is, and why I am attempting to do it. The idea is to play 12 JRPG's over 12 months taking me from Febuary 1st 2011 to Febuary 1st 2012. My reasoning behind this is simple enough, I used to consider myself a huge JRPG fan, Final Fantasy for example consumed most of my childhood playing time and I thought that is the way things always would be. 
In more recent times however I find I have almost an internal conflict between the JRPG player in me and the more sensible me, who enjoys playing good modern games. So that is why this challenge exists, by forcing myself to play 12 JRPG's in 12 months I should finally be able to put it to rest, ether I DO like JRPG's and that's fine, or I DON'T and I can finally stop throwing hissy fits at the endless whoring out of franchises such as Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts.       
So what are the games? Well here is the list of current contenders,  I feel it's worth mentioning that while this is "Soaps Horrible JRPG Challenge" it's not to say that any/all of the JRPG's mentioned are horrible, some of them seem pretty promising, but the actual Challenge itself is horrible.
1. Final Fantasy XIII

2. Rogue Galaxy
3. Final Fantasy XII
4. Blue Dragon
5. Infinite Undiscovery
6. White Knight Chronicles: International Edition
7. The Last Remnant
8. Star Ocean: The Last Hope
9. Tales of Vesperia
10. Enchanted Arms
11. Eternal Sonata
12. Steambot Chronicles
13. Resonance of Fate
14. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES
15. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4
The more intelligent among you will have twigged that I have picked more JRPG's than there are months in a year . This is were you could possibly make an impact in this exciting* challenge! I'm giving myself a longer list in case I find it hard to find some of these games, or just can't face one of them. 
If you have any games to add to this list I'd be very grateful for it, but it must be said that I am only looking at more recent JRPG's, yes I'm aware of how amazing Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 6/7 Xenogears, Vagrant Story e.t.c are but that is not the point of this challenge! The challenge is really about seeing if I can stand playing new JRPG's as they are churned out of japan or if it's time to hand in my fan card, take my coat and hat and leave.   
For some people this might not seem that difficult, but when you take into consideration that I only get to play about 10 hours a week on average these days and that most JRPG's stretch into the 40-50 hour mark easily this could be taking up most of my gaming time.  
So what do you think? I will probably start with Final Fantasy XIII as it is something I've been meaning to finish for a long time but sadly lost my chapter XIII save when my old PS3 died :( 


* your levels of excitement may vary.