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I knew I wasn’t crazy

I remembered from a long time ago, back in the early 90s, my cousin had a crazy NES game that had a crud load of games on it. He got it from a relative from that lived in Barstow. He was really excited when he got it. I remembered the cartridge art having a man holding a sword and there was a list of games on the cartridge too. I remembered it being called 20-in-1.

My memories of this game popped back in front of my brain a few years ago and I searched the web to prove what I was remembering was correct. I couldn’t find ONE shred of evidence it existed! Now, years later I remembered it again and tried searching the web again for evidence. Boy oh boy does a few years make a difference.

My I show to the court the evidence that proves my sanity that I’m not crazy and my memory of this said item actually exists.

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As you can see, it has art from Final Fantasy II on the cartridge. A sign that this may not have been a legit item to own. Oops.

Anyways, here’s a the list of games that are on it:

1. Waterpipe 2

2. Waterpipe 1

3. Battle City

4. Fi-Race

5. Road Fighter

6. Excite Bike

7. Base Ball

8. Pin Ball

9. Mahjong “2”

10. Exerion

11. F-16 Star Force

12. Knights in Flight

13. Kung-Fu

14. Donkey Kong 3

15. Galaza

16. Ice Cube Breaking

17. Pac Man

18. Circus Chablie

19. Wild Geese Hunting

20. Gun Fighting in Grand West

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My oh my, what an eclectic collection of games on one cartridge. Apparently most of the games were actual games, but with different names. For example, Waterpipe 1 and 2 were Mario Bros. and Super Mario Bros. I remember my cousin and I enjoyed playing Ice Cube Breakers (Ice Climber) together and I really liked playing Circus Chablie. Not sure if that last one is a real game or one just made for this collection.

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Is it okay to add this game to the Giant Bomb DB?

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