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As many people maybe aware, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is finally released and is absolutely amazing. For many gamers, a Bethesda game release means awesome mods follow. And while the Skyrim Creation Kit has yet to be released, many people have made great visual mods. Although none of these mods change to gameplay itself, they all make the game look a whole lot better, fixing character models and replacing the low res textures with much higher res ones. I'll show off five of my favorite visual mods.

Xenius Face & Body Mods

This is a set of mods that improve the overall character faces and bodies. I highly recommend these mods and when put all together, the results are amazing. The author, Xenius, is constantly updating these mods show check out the pages often.

Skyrim Enhanced Shaders

From Tapioks, the creator of the popular Fallout New Vegas mods FNV Enhanced Shaders and OJO Bueno/POCO Bueno Texture Pack, comes Skyrim Enhanced Shaders. This mod greatly improves the games visuals with better lighting and new HDR and better Bloom effects. I've been using the Rustic palette with Ultra High Quality Sharpening and the game looks absolutely incredible with little to no hits to the frame rate.

Video Credit - Youtube user KillzoneNET

Vurts Skyrim Flora Overhaul

Vurt, The creator of Vurts Wasteland Flora Overhaul which made the trees and grass in New Vegas look awesome, has made a similar mod for Skyrim. Vurts Skyrim Flora Overhaul replaces the tree textures of Skyrim with high resolution textures. Vurt is constantly updating, so check often.

Landscape Texture Pack WIP & Improved Rock and Mountain Textures

Landscape Texture Pack by Xclear and Improved Rock and Mountain Textures by 747823, again much like most of these mods, replaces the textures for the ground and mountains. Alone these mods are great but together the overall look and feel of the world is a whole lot better. Xclear's mod comes in two flavors, 1024x1024(Medium Quality) and 2048x2048(High Quality), while 747823's mod comes in 4096x4096 and 2048x2048 texture sizes. I would say try the smaller size first and if your computer can handle it, than download and try the higher resolution version.

Isoku's Realistic Mods

There isn't much to explain, watch the video and check out the links. These mods are amazing, and if put together with Skyrim Flora, Landscape Texture and Rock and Mountain Textures, Skyrim easily becomes the best looking Bethesda game to date!

  • Realistic Water Textures
  • Realistic Rain Ripples
  • Realistic Smoke and Embers