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Opinion on Smite's depiction of Goddess and Sidetracking...

I had a sudden urge to write something on this matter after a slight surge in popularity Smite received after it's World Championship. With this popularity came a resurgence of hate toward the game's depiction of the Goddesses. My general opinion on this subject is that the design of many of the female characters in Smite is completely fine compared to many other MOBAs with overly-sexualized female characters, more on that in a bit, when you take into consideration that Smite is about Gods and Goddesses.

Let's start with Nox the Roman Goddess/Personification of Night. Here's a depiction of her in Smite. Yes the boobs might be a tad big, but overall I believe the design is fantastic. Night is dark and dangerous but at the same time beautiful and mysterious. The design in Smite captures those qualities perfectly, the elegant and exaggerate dress represents the beauty of night while the veil around her face captures the mysterious part of night.

On to one I know a lot of people bring up when talking about sexualized characters, Nu Wa the Creator of Mankind and Guardian of the Heavens. Her design in Smite (Hard to find a picture of her model in Snake form without it being an in-game shot.) This one's a bit hard to defend without other depictions of her, so I googled and here's a few 1/2. This goes for all Goddesses not just Nu Wa, many depictions of these Goddesses are meant to show them as beautiful women because they're what that culture idealized.

This post could go on and on about each of the designs in Smite but I wanted to touch something else I started, when given the context of being Gods and Deities, Smite's sexualized character designs are better than many other popular MOBAs. I'm mainly talking about League of Legends and a little bit on Dota 2, full disclosure I've never been a huge fan of LoL anyone who follows me on Twitter knows this. I'll keep this section purely about the design of the characters as they are without cosmetic items or skins.

I may take LoL's character designs overall less serious because of the more cartoony art style, but the obvious hero for me is Miss Fortune. Beyond exaggerated figure and proportions, for what reason? Riot love their midriff, Jinx. I don't want to spend this whole section just bashing League, there are a few female character designs I quite like. Diana is the only one that comes to mind at the moment though...

Dota 2 heroes aren't without their faults but I just personally feel they're overall better than both League and Smite when it comes to not over-sexualizing the characters. All the humanoid females are clearly designed to be attractive, but with the exception of a few heroes they all do it without showing all their skin. I mean to get personal for a sec, I think Enchantress the half human half doe is the most attractive hero in the game... sorry back to the subject.

Thanks for reading this rant, this probably ended up sounding more like a place for me to defend Smite and shit talk League again. Either way thanks for reading, if you've got anything you'd like to add or to just simply state your opinion on the matter please comment!