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Another boring weekend, not much going on but I’ll do a blog anyways. I haven’t done one of these since I started this dumb blog, a little over two months ago, so it’ll be nice to write a bit more. This blog is mostly going to be about my Mythbusters marathon on Netflix and my dumb Steam impulse buys.

Xbox, Play!

With my cablebox set busted I’ve been unable to watch any TV. I’ve missed just about everything good on TV, [Br]eaking [B]ad season finale, season premier of Walking Dead and the current season of Mythbusters and Psych. So to remedy this I’ve been watching old episodes of all these shows on Netflix, but mainly Mythbusters. Netflix has eight of the eleven season of MB, but they are out of their correct order and they’re missing a bunch of the special episodes. Even with these problems I’m glad for Netflix, because really if it weren’t for these old episodes in between my Gears of War 3 playtime I probably would have went insane.

Steam Quick Reviews!

Steam Page - While I wait for my games to download I like to write “reviews” for the steam games and downloadable contents I’ve played on Steam, Here are my reviews for the Fallout New Vegas expansions.

Dead Money - As the first piece of downloadable content for Fallout New Vegas, Dead Money is average. Dead Money is a linear quest based DLC, much like Fallout 3’s Operation Anchorage and Mothership Zeta, with the main focus being stealth and combat. With that said Dead Money falls short in just about every way, it’s too combat heavy, it gives very little options in the ways you can approach the DLC and the end pay-off isn’t great. Upon completion of the DLC the player can not return to the DLC area. I don’t recommend Dead Money to anyone, unless you want the extra 5 levels, Dead Money is not worth $9.99.

Honest Hearts - The second piece of downloadable content for Fallout New Vegas, Honest Hearts takes players on an exciting ride through Utah’s Zion National Park. Honest Hearts is a fairly story driven adventure, but it still manages to gives the player plenty of opportunities to explore the large map of Zion. The main quest of Honest Hearts is about the conflict of the warring tribes of Zion, this quest may take the player anywhere between two to three hours to complete, which is a good length for a $10 add-on. Obsidian did an absolutely great job making the player care for the outcome of the main quest and although the quest has no affect on the main game’s storyline, I guarantee some players will feel torn by the end of this add-on. Like all of the Fallout New Vegas add-ons, Honest Hearts adds 5 extra levels and as for quest rewards, the player receives some new goodies at the end of this add-on. I highly recommend Honest Hearts to any owner of Fallout New Vegas, buy it.

Old World Blues - The Big MT awaits in the third piece of downloadable content for Fallout New Vegas, Old World Blues. The story of Old World Blues is much more tongue-in-cheek than the previous two DLC, sort of like Fallout 3’s Mothership Zeta. Old World Blues took me about four hours to complete, this is a great length, and I didn’t explore most of the Big MT or do any of the side stuff. At $9.99 Old World Blue is a fantastic piece of DLC and is worth the price, adding 5 more level, with new perks and traits, a bunch of new weapons and armors for the player to use, a fun new area to explore and a humorous main quest. If you have Fallout New Vegas you should probably buy Old World Blues, I highly recommend it.

Add to Cart!

As my Steam Library gets larger, I continue to realise that I play less than a quarter of my games, I hate myself for it but I love knowing I can play any of those games at any point just by press install. This list of unplayed games grows as I buy more games during all of these crazy Steam sales. Some of the more recent purchases I’ve made include The Humble Bundle Frozen Synapse and Frozenbyte Bundle for $10 donated, Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition during a recent Mid-Week Madness for $9.99 and Alice: Madness Returns during, at the time of me writing this blog, the current Weekend Deal for $14.99. I really need to get out of this Steam impulse buy mentality, but enough about Steam time for psychical game purchases!

Ship to this Address!

Other than Steam, is my go to place to buy games. I love the ease of buying games on Amazon and how much credit you get for buying games you were already going to buy! I recently bought Gears of War 3 on Amazon and received a cool in-game character skin for Multiplayer and $20 in Amazon credit which I used to purchase Dance Central 2. It just so happens for buying that I received $10 in Credit and 400 Microsoft Space Points to import my Dance Central song into DC2! I bet you won’t guess what I did with that $10’s; That’s right I bought another game, Battlefield 3 for the PC in fact, and while although I didn’t receive any credit for that purchase, you can see how awesome buying from Amazon can be. Then again you get in a terrible mind set of “I need to buy more and more games!”


So you can already tell I send a lot of time buying games, but believe it or not I do actually play games as well. This Friday I’ve spent a little time playing both Dance Central and the DC2 Demo, and although I continue to look like an idiot I had a lot more fun with both games than I did when I first played with the Kinect. Maybe it’s because I had more experience with the Kinect or maybe the fact I now know that you will never not look like an idiot when playing the Kinect, but either way I enjoyed my time with DC, can’t wait for the second game on Tuesday.

I’ve spent a ton of time with Gears 3 and I can say with confidence that it’s going to be in my Game of the Year list. Great story, improved multiplayer and super fun co-op modes, if you haven’t already buy this game. That’s about all I have to say about Gears for now.

I don’t really know how to end a blog so I’ll just end it!