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Just bought a PS3 in 2014.

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3.5 stars

Average score of 4 user reviews

The Spawn name is the only thing rescuable in this game 1

This game is so awful. It is by far the worst game in the "SPAWN" franchise, on the PS1. Gameplay sucks, the graphics are just wrong... God help it if you were able to just like the music because it sounds (when the sound in the game isn't jacked up) more like a disco rave than a dark tone Spawn theme musical score. Don´t waste your time. Get something else. Also if you are urging to play because you think that if you don't then you are not a die hard Spawn fan, then rent it or borrow it from so...

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Simply amazing! 0

This game has it all: action, fights, gruesome details (blood splater and gore), fan service for the guys and a heck of an unforgetable plot / story. Ok the main character is just such an awsome badass... top 10 best action heroes up until today. Don´t mine that it´s an aventure game... it´s also packed with action around every corner and clever yet not imposible puzzle solving. You start this game knowing practically nothing about the story but after the first cinematic sequence you watch an...

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Not quite there yet... but close enough. 0

To be completely honest I had written a pretty awful review about this game before, but something told me to give this game a second chance and I have to admit that I was a bit wrong about this game. It is probably the fighting game with the most motion freedom in it's gameplay. During the gameplay you can move around the game stages in various ways (dive, fly, dash, etc.) The game should be able to make the characters run but I don´t know how that would work. But in essence you can move just ...

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A DBZ must have!! 1

Up until now... the only kind of DBZ games I liked was the SNES Super Butoden series from the Cell and Buu sagas. I tried the PS1 DBGT game and it was miserable... then some more games came but all were just a disppointment. But a friend introduced me to a copy of DBZ: Budokai 3... and my perpective on the whole DBZ game universe has changed. Not only is the game faithful to the Dragon Ball Z universe but it´s actually fun to play. The gameplay is pretty innovative, fun and easy to follow and ...

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