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Mode-7 - Watching the bitmap skies since 2003!!

This is insane, it's.. Well it's kinda... I guess weird really. It's not intense enough to be insane, nor is it logical enough to be rational.
I have a games blog, bordering on a site, where posting this stuff is entirely possible. Despite this I'm spending time typing something up somewhere else. Oh well, I guess that's keeping businessy type pleasure and straight up pleasure separate for you. Here I can be my normal, long-story-longer kind of a nonsense spouting person. But really, the reason I'm even writing this in the first place is because of that other place -- which we've now updated to the point where it resembles a real site, and is something I think we both feel really proud of. "We" meaning me and my good mate Domstercool.
I'm talking about Mode-7, which was originally concieved back in 2003 as a webcomic, borrowing heavily from Penny Arcade but being decidedly british about its humour and unmistakably PAL-y about its game coverage. Me and then web venture partner ModoX had a good run, creating around 150 comics for about 1½ years before parting ways as friends and colleagues and M7 came to a close. About a year ago however the idea started appealing to me again, to get to comment on the games market at my whim, and to work on comics in an environment that functioned more like a proper games site. Domstercool was the obvious choice for a partner in crime, and in may this year we cracked our blog open.
It's not particularly big, not particularly fancy. Our web know-how barely has things being readable and pictures being watchable, but there's real passion behind it. A desire to have fun playing games, making sure others find the games that they could potentially find awesome, and bringing the simple pure joy of being a gamer back, cutting through all the stupid politics and system war bullshit. We'll try our best to do this, hopefully with some measure of success to boot. :P