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If I could pick 3 pinball machines to own I would pick Bride of Pin-Bot, Theatre Magic, and Elvira: Scared Stiff. I'm glad Pinball...

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ugh Steam Treasure Hunt ruining another good game for me.

Beat Hazard... a wonderful twin-stick shooter fueled by your music. I had a blast with it on my 360, it was challenging but not too punishing. I thought I'd get an easy point on the Steam Treasure Hunt with the PC version, but moving your ship with the keyboard while aiming with the mouse is NOT the way to go. I've tried to get my 360 controller working with my PC, but it doesn't seem to recognize my controller. I've downloaded the microsoft software for it, but still, does nothing. I really wish there was a better work-around with the keyboard and mouse. Maybe drop the reticle, and just always shoot where your ship nose is pointing?
Anyway, that quest was frusterating me more than the Shatter quest.