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Welp, nevermind?

Bastion is on Chrome now, available to be played on other platforms. If they got it running under OpenGL and Mono, they're open to release it on any other platform. Go play that!

Just as well, I actually got it pretty much playable with the bloom post process working exactly as it should aside from very minor graphical issues.

Honestly I still want to finish my port, as I've done so much progress in two weeks. I'm not sure if it'd be a detriment to me though if people would go YAWN SO WHAT ITS ALREADY ON MAC/LINUX/MY NOKIA PHONE.

EDIT: I think I'll continue, just for the hell of it. I'll fix the straggling graphic glitches, code in the audio system and possibly get it running without modification to the Bastion assembly. From there I'll roll in all my changes into MonoXNA and MonoGame. If any of you got suggestions for some other XNA game to port over, let me know. I've done a lot of work to the open XNA frameworks and I'm curious if I can get other games running on them.