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Average score of 52 user reviews

Hearthfire offers an interesting experience, but fails to expand Skyrim 0

Pros:Creating your house provides a unique experienceOffers some interesting questsHearthfire DLC is at a nice, low priceCons:The building process is a bit repetitiveNot as many customization options as there could have beenHearthfire doesn't add anything of substantial importance to the gameHearthfire is a Skyrim DLC that allows you to build your own house. On the surface this sounds like a fun idea, and in many ways it is, but it doesn't really expand upon the game. The result is a decent, but...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

An emotionally charged adventure that raises the bar for story telling in video games 0

Pros:Impressive art direction and visualsStory line is deep and emotionalLot's of replay valueDecisions can be tough to makeCons:Each episode is a little shortOccasional bugs The Walking Dead has long been a very successful graphic novel and television series due mainly to it's intense setting and deep character portrayals, and now it is making it's debut in the game industry, and fortunately the transition is (mostly) a flawless one. Tell Tale Games has successfully taken all the elements tha...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A solid stealth experience 0

Pros:-Impressive visuals-Campaign is good and features player choice and multiple endings-Intense gameplay-AI is good and provides a solid challenge-Multiplayer is fun and easy to pick up-Missions have good varietyCons:-The PS3 version is not as good of a port as it's 360 counterpart-Some choices don't have a very big impact-Story line is a little disappointingSam Fisher has finally arrived on next gen systems, and he's not holding anything back. Double Agent is as cutting edge of a stealth game...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A generic and repetitive beat em' up 0

Pros:-Good art direction-Combat is solid and brutalCons:-Too Short-Enemies lack variety-Controls take getting used to-Gameplay becomes overly repetitive-Too difficult in a "cheap" kind of wayBlood Rayne Betrayal is a side-scrolling beat em' up that fails to stand out from the crowd. It doesn't introduce any new aspects and for what it does do, it does average or worse at best, resulting in a generic experience.Combat in Betrayal is as bloody as they comeThe story line is practically non existant...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Not only the best COD, but one of the best FPS ever 0

Pros:-Epic campaign between two different time periods that features player choice and a good storyline-New additions to gameplay-3 great zombie modes: Survival, Grief, and Tranzit-Feature rich multiplayer experience-Gameplay is solid-Lot's of replay value-Good visuals-Stike missions are fun-Sandbox moments provide a good change of pace-10 point class system is a good additionCons:-Highly addictiveBlack Ops 2 is a bold sequel, it expands on every aspect of past COD games and perfects them, and b...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

A beautiful and stunning RPG 0

Pros:-Storyline and characters are engaging and highly immersive-Battle System is great and strategic and fun to play-Beautiful art direction and music-The world is beautiful and fun to explore-A lot of content and side missions will keep you busyCons:-It ends-No "full map exploration" like classic FF gamesFinal Fantasy X is probably the single best RPG ever made, it's quality transcends time and is still fun to this day. Square created a true classic and it is definately one you do not want to ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Even better than it's predecessor 0

Pros:-Stunning and jaw dropping gorgeous graphics-Amazing game play, easily the best in FPS history-Fun and intense campaign with good variety-Enemy Helghast AI is almost genius and provides a very brutal and tactical challenge-Weapons all feel powerful and are great to shoot-One of the most technically advanced games ever made-Multiplayer is highly addicting, strategic, varied, and creates a feeling of being in a large scale chaotic conflict, all on great and very detailed maps. One of the best...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

A revolutionary shooter that will change the industry forever 0

Pros:-Great storyline and setting-Big Daddies are fun and challenging-Innovative gameplay with great variety-Good art direction-Freedom to play and upgrade however you wantCons:-Hacking mini game can become tediousBioShock is an intelligent game. Not only in terms of it's fantastic and deep gameplay, but also in terms of it's story and setting. No other game has portrayed political and social themes like the way BioShock does, hell most games don't even touch them. But BioShock is different, it ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

A great 4-player beat em' up with charming artstyle and gameplay 0

Pros:-Great art style-Humorous and creative gameplay-Great co-op experience-Lot's of replay valueCons:-Enemies can be cheap and frustrating-Doesn't offer much of a single player experienceWhen it comes to 4 player beat em' ups, you can't really do better than Castle Crashers. It is unique, funny, creative, and just down right fun. It's a game that you and your friends will laugh long into the night with, and it's certainly worth your money.Castle Crashers is set in a cartoon fantasy-medieval wor...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Doesn't live up to it's hype, but it's still a good game 0

Pros:-Great graphics and setting-Huge open world to explore-Good attention to detail-Interesting storyline and characters-Naval combat is epic-Game runs at a constant high frame rate-Parkour elements are much improved-Cities offer plenty to doCons:-Combat is still too easy-A bit buggy-Lack of side missions in Frontier is disappointingAssassin's Creed 3 is an ambitious sequel, and while it may make not fulfill all it's promises, it's still a good step forward for the series.Assassin's Creed 3 put...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

One hell of a shooter 0

Pros:-Amazing visuals; some of the best ever made-Campaign is intense and fun-Multiplayer is deep, addictive, and very fun-Guns feel and shoot great-Enemy AI is highly intelligent and provides a great challenge-Cover system is unique and solidCons:-Weak storyline and forgettable charactersKillzone 2 is quite possibly one of the most technically stunning games ever created, but great tech and visuals alone doesn't make a game good. Fortunately, Killzone 2 plays as amazing as it looks, and it offe...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

A solid, but by the books, shooter with great MP 0

Pros:-Guns are unique and creative-Campaign is fun-Multiplayer is great and features 60 player battles-Co-op is fun-Boss battles are epic-Good map design-Chimera are excellent enemiesCons:-Weak storyline and characters; terrible ending-Doesn't do much different from other shootersFirst person shooters are a dime a dozen and it can be hard to stand out from the crowd, and while Resistance 2 may not succeed at being too unique, it's still a high quality shooter that's worth picking up.Resistance 2...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Doesn't change the formula, but AC fans will still enjoy it 0

Pros:-Constantinople is fun to explore and full of interesting things to do and see-Multiplayer is addicting and more refined this time around-Main Story is interesting and has good variety-Lot's of different side quests-Desmond segments are a interesting and provide a nice new change of paceCons:-Tower Defense is awkward and lacks finesse-Combat is still too easy-Game engine is starting to show it's ageAssassin's Creed Revelations marks the final chapter in Ezio's journey, and while this time a...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Mixes both new and old into one great Sonic experience 0

Pros:-Good visuals-Great soundtrack-2-D and 3-D Sonics are both great to play-Lot's of challenges and extras-Stages are dynamic and funCons:-A bit short-Last boss is confusingModern day Sonic games have a bit of a muddy reputation, some fans appreciate them, others absolutely loath them, however in the case of Sonic Generations, SEGA has made a great game that will please all the fans, both the old and the new.Classic or Modern? Both Sonic's are great to playSonic Generations revolves around an ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

A fun open world game that plays close to the books 0

Pros:-Fun open world sandbox game play-Tons of customization-Packed full of content and side missions-Lots of variety-Online co-op is a blast-Just crazy fun as hell game playCons:-Weak storyline-Stupid AI-Animations are a bit stiff and not the best-A bit too easy-Controls feel a little awkward and take a while to get used to-Outside of co-op, online is a bit lacklusterSaints Row 2 is at it's core a clone of Grand Theft Auto and many of the other open world sandbox games that are on the market. H...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

The best just keeps getting better 0

Pros:-Amazing jaw dropping graphics, the best ever made to date-The great Uncharted gameplay is even better this time around-Epic and cinematic Single Player-Fun and addicting Multiplayer with tons of features to keep you busy-Puzzles are more challenging-Shooting and cover system is solid and well refined-Platforming and other gameplay aspects are well perfected-Hand-to-hand combat is much improved-Storyline, characters, and voice acting is top notch!-Amazing character animations-Coop is fun an...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

The number one reason to own a PS3! A video game masterpiece 0

Pros:Beautiful graphics, best ever madeGame play is great and varied and well refinedOnline is fun and addictingStoryline and characters are great and engagingCons:Puzzles are a bit easyUncharted 2 is certainly a game with alot of praise and hype, but are people simply over exageratting and just blinded by it's stunning graphics? I am here to tell you that they are not, and that if you enjoy games at all you owe it to yourself to pick this up IMMEDIATELY! Uncharted 2 alone is worth buying a PS3 ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Expands the Smash Bros series to epic proportions 0

Pros:-Massive character roster-Lengthy and fun single player-Hundreds of hours worth of unlocks-Insane amount of features-Variety of ways to play; Motion Control Wii-Mote, or standard controlsCons:-Online is broken and limited-Too many "clone" charactersSuper Smash Bros. Brawl marks the return of Nintendo's highly fun and successful party fighter, and this time it has expanded on every feature making Brawl a game of epic proportions! To put it simply: You could not ask for a better party game or...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

A unique and creative game that's worth playing 0

Pros:-Funny and clever gameplay-Unique design choices-Ton's of unlocks to keep you busy-Controls and combat are a solid experience-Large roster of animals to play asCons:-Bad Graphics-Can become quite difficult-Combat can be unbalanced at timesTokyo Jungle is probably one of the most unique games to come out this year, hell it might be one of the most unique games period. It has an interesting concept and some bizarre (but good) gameplay and design choices, it provides an entirely new experience...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Dumb story aside, Gears offers highly intense gameplay 0

Pros:-Great graphics-Excellent cover based mechanics-Multiplayer is solid and has lot's of features-Weapons are fun to use and feel great to shoot-Campaign is solid and of decent length-Co-op is excellent-AI is intelligent and challengingCons:-Weak storyline and charactersGears of War may not have an impressive or engaging storyline, it may not be a game that you come away with thought provoking ideas, however what it does do is it put's a smile on your face by simply being such a joy to play! W...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

A huge disappointment for the Final Fantasy series 0

Pros:-Great graphicsCons:-Boring and bland storyline and characters-Rediculously weak and unispired combat system-Some annoying voice actors-Repetitive and dull linear gameplayThere is no good way to put this, so let's just be blunt. Final Fantasy 13 is a complete letdown, it is bland and soulless, it lacks everything that made Final Fantasy great. It is as if all of SquareEnix's talent was thrown out the window. There is no excuse, when it comes to Final Fantasy you expect something legendary, ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Doesn't change much, but MW3 is the best COD yet 0

Pros:-Campaign is solid and well done with good variety and intense cinematic action.-Multiplayer is fun, addicting, varied, expansive, and full of features.-Spec Ops is back and better than ever, with all new Survival Mode-Same great COD game playCons:-Not much has changed.COD has become a household name, it is a staple in the market place and is arguably the best in it's genre. Ever since the series made it's debut it has seen a constant stream of success and praise, garnering millions of fans...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Good concept brought down by repetitive gameplay 0

Pros:-Nice graphics-Good atmosphere; the Holy Land is accurately depicted and detailed-Storyline is strong and engagingCons:-Combat is way too easy-Enemy AI is dumb-Game play is far too repetitive and offers little variety in it's objectivesAssassin's Creed is a game that has a lot of potential, but holds it's self back by poor design choices. The game has a lot of good ideas; an engaging storyline based around a conspiracy theory, exploring the Holy Land during the Crusades, promises of freedom...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Lack of length and content makes L4D a rental 0

Pros:-Co-op game play can be fun-Zombies attack from random spots which keeps you on your toes-Some interesting game play design ideasCons:-Too short and not enough levels or content to justify a purchase-Little variety in zombies, weapons, or environments-SP mode is a joke-Friendly AI is terrible-Game play grows repetitiveLeft 4 Dead takes a classic idea and tries to make it it's own, 4 survivors trying to make there way through a zombie out break through it's 4 campaigns; A hospital, an air-po...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Old School 0

Pros:-Insanely fast and fun paced game play-Great old school feel-Weapons are all fun and unique and feel powerful-Game runs at a sweet and smooth constant 60 fps-AI is great and provides a brutal challenge-Multiplayer is addicting (when the online portion works)-One of the best game soundtracks out there-A good variety of different game play types-Vehicles control great and feel unique (once you get used to them)Cons:-Online has matchmaking and server issues-Campaign is a bit short-Storyline is...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

An RPG Masterpiece 0

NOTE: This review is being written after the updates on PS3, so the frame rate issue along with other bugs has been fixed and will not be in the review as they are no longer an issue.Pros:-Huge and beautiful world to explore that is filled with great variety and detail-Dragon fights are epic-Combat, Magic, and Stealth gameplay mechanics are solid-Complete freedom to play who you want and how you want-Insane amount of gameplay and replay value-Good graphics and art direction-Nice soundtrack-AI is...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Killing Nazis has never been more fun 0

Pros:-Large open world to freely explore-Lot's of mission and gameplay variety-Great amount of content that provides countless hours of gameplay-Great and stylish soundtrack-Black and White effect is a nice touchCons:-Weak stealth elementsWW2 has been used as a backdrop for so many games that it has become somewhat of a routine, and it makes it hard for many games that have this setting to stand out from the crowd as a result. The Saboteur does not have this problem. It is stylish and sexy, it i...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Good ideas, bad campaign and little content 0

Pros:-Nice graphics-Destructible environments is a cool feature-Vehicles are fun-Bullets dropping over long distances is a nice touch-Gameplay is solidCons:-Campaign is short and forgettable-Maps are too large making it hard to find people and reach objectives-Lack of multiplayer features is disappointingBattlefield Bad Company 2 is a game that has a lot of good ideas and promise, but doesn't live up to them. It's campaign is weak, it's multiplayer lacks variety, and as a whole, it's an overall ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

GTA finally hits next gen, and it's beautiful 0

Pros:-Great visuals-A technical masterpiece-Good storyline and characters-Insane amount of gameplay and variety-Multiplayer is fun-Driving is solid-Solid combat systemCons:-Checkpoint system could be better-Not as expansive as past installments-Cover system is a little clunkyRockstar has done it again! Grand Theft Auto 4 is a bold and ambitious game that shows off the power of next gen systems, and while there may be a few minor gripes, the overall experience is a must play!Grand Theft Auto 4 pu...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Finally a game that does Batman justice 0

Pros:-Excellent combat system-Good graphics-Amazing atmosphere and story-Great and memorable boss fights-Challenge rooms are fun-Excellent voice actors-Great stealth gameplay-Good variety in Gadgets-Upgrading and unlocking new moves and gadgets is great-Detective Mode is helpful and a nice touch-Riddler challenges are funCons:-A little shortComic based hero games have had a muddy past, often times they feel like cheap cash ins to make money simply off the name alone. But Rocksteady Studios shatt...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Doesn't change much, but still very enjoyable 0

Pros:-Campaign is solid and varied-Good storyline-Zombie mode is fun-Wager Matches provide a fun and unique experience-Great multiplayer that is packed with features-Same great COD gameplayCons:-Doesn't do much different from past installmentsCall of Duty Black Ops may not change the COD formula much, but it still gives you an action packed experience that will put you on the edge of your seat. It has a solid campaign, zombies, and a feature rich multiplayer experience that makes Black Ops an ov...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

A step back for the series 0

Pros:-Great graphics and art direction-Gameplay is solid-Vast amount of character creation options-Online is a fun and smooth experienceCons:-Lacks many features from past Soul Caliber games-Story mode is short-Tower of Souls is weak and dull-Lack of character creation classes and level up system is disappointingSoul Caliber 4 is a game that is heavy on flash, but light on substance. While it takes a step forward, it takes another step back, resulting in a game that feels like a missed opportuni...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

A great party-fighter that is unfairly misjudged 0

Pros:-Awesome character roster-Gameplay is fast, addictive, and fun-Combat system is deep and unique for each character-Tons of unlockables-Online is flawless and fun-Super Move system is strategic and works very well-Stages are dynamic and fun-You Get the Vita version for FREECons:-Weak story mode-Some missed character opportunitiesPlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale is a dream come true! While it was no doubt inspired by Nintendo's Smash Bros. series', All-Stars plays vastly different and deli...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

One of the most creative and imaginative games ever 0

Pros:-Endless amount of content and replay value-Co-op is great-Great level and item creation tools let you create anything you can imagine-Lot's of customization-Fun and solid gameplay-Good story mode-Excellent community featuresCons:-Some levels can take a little long to load-Creation Tutorial can be confusing-Can be a little laggy during co-opLittle Big Planet 2 is by far one of the most unique and creative games ever made, it offers endless hours of gameplay, fun co-op, crazy amounts of cust...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Doesn't live up to it's predecessor, but it's still good 0

Pros:-Great atmosphere and setting-Having a gun in one hand and a plasmid in the other makes for an excellent combat system-Playing as a Big Daddy provides a good and unique experience-Multiplayer is funCons:-Storyline is not as engaging as it's predecessor-The Big Sister is not as threatening as she appears to be-Lack of final boss is disappointing-Single Player is a little shortEver since the release of the first BioShock, people have been wanting to tread back into the dark, mad filled, under...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

A boring and repetitive shooter, save your money 0

Pros:-Nice graphics-Interesting setting-Extremely large open world to explore-Great map maker-Some interesting gameplay ideasCons:-Overly repetitive gameplay-Too much focus on realism makes the game frustrating-Storyline and characters are weak-Lack of fast travel options-Stupid and annoying AIFar Cry 2 is a game that has good ambition, but flawed execution. Some of it's ideas could have been beneficial, but due to it's overly dull gameplay these elements are never fully realized.Being set in wa...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Despite it's short length, Journey is still a great experience 0

Pros:Beautiful graphics and artworkAmazing soundtrackImmersive and memorable atmosphereA great experience that you will come back to again and againUnique co-op experience makes it Journey even more engagingCons:Short length (it lasts about 2-3 hours on average)A little over priced (it's 15$)Not really any challenge to it.Journey is a different type of game, the best way to describe it would be "interactive art". It kind of reminds me of the Disney classic film "Fantasia", it's more about the ex...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Still amazing after all this time 0

Pros:-Three great classics that look and play great in HD-Just as epic as you remember-Several hours of gameplay-Great and in-depth storyline full of social and political themes-Great stealth gameplayCons:-Some dated gameplay elementsMetal Gear Solid was (and still is) a revolutionary set of games that changed the industry forever, they created not only the stealth genre but also influenced many other aspects of video game design, from deep cinematic storytelling to epic boss battles to tackling...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

A massive, open world RPG with near endless hours of gameplay 0

Pros:-Massive world to explore-Nearly endless amounts of gameplay-Freedom to make who you want, go where you want, and do what you want-Insane amount of content and variety-VATS is great-RPG elements are deep, expansive, and addictingCons:-3rd person perspective is clumsy-Some combat mechanics are clunky-A little buggy/glitchyFallout 3 comes from the same team that brought us the amazing Elder Scrolls IV:Oblivion, and while there are definately some similarities, Fallout 3 retains it's own ident...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

An ambitious title that lets you play it your way 0

Pros:-Interesting storyline and setting-Great art direction makes the world feel alive-Talented voice acting-Freedom to play how you want-Lot's of replay value-Gameplay is unique and solidCons:-Weak graphics-A bit on the short side-Disappointing endingDishonored is one the most unique and ambitious games ever made, it implements bold ideas and succeeds in just about all of it's gameplay aspects. And while there may be a couple of missteps, the amazing gameplay experience makes them easy to forgi...

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