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Memorable Games

Games that until the present I have without a doubt been blown away and couldn't drop that mouse/keyboard playing them.

List items

  • With its bloody melee and its innovative capture point resource game mechanic, I became hooked to the multiplayer and its story wasn't half bad!

  • Battlefield 1942 has always been close to my heart but after the jump to the modern battlefield and its Squad mechanic and Commander support, the Battlefield franchise just became more totally fun.

  • Ahh the epitome of great RTS games before EA took over it. Many late nights have been toiled away at the single player and after the single player and multiplayer experience, I had great fun just by playing with the map editor

  • I got this game from a junior in my Scouting years and I never really got the hype when the game came out initially. This game was so easy to play and I had a blast going around the universe collecting new weapons and getting better ships. The universe was also rich with culture though it could have more characters and dialogues. The game should also have added more incentive after finishing the story but otherwise this game will forever be remembered in my heart in bringing me into the flight sim genre........too bad it ended by then.