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Why You're Stupid : Franchise Haters

  We see it all the time. "I HATE [insert successful game here]!  Its just the same as every other [insert successful genre]".
   Its gotten insanely popular and increasingly stupid. Lets explore the ignorance shall we?

The Definition of a Media Franchise

     look it up. Depending on the source, the wording may be different, but the basic idea should remain the same:

A media franchise is an intellectual property involving the characters, setting and trademarks of an original work of media

   The characters, settings and Trademarks.  By definition, the games in a gaming franchise are REQUIRED to be similar to the others. And its why franchises work. People go in expecting similar characters, settings, and trademarks, and then are sated when they get what they wanted. To complain that a game is the same as another in its franchise is like complaining that one Burger King makes its food exactly the same as another Burger King. Go give that a try and see how many people ask you which special needs group you belong in. 

What games are ABOUT

  With all the multiplayer hubhub the internet has brought us over the last 8 years or so, it has been easy for people to forget what games are actually about. When the N64 and PS2 were still the top of the food chain, games were bought based on story and gameplay, not how amazing your ability to be a dick online was.  Back then, games like Mario and Tekken and WWF-whatever thrived because the gameplay was the same, while the adventure changed. 
  that was not a business model. That was (and still is) how the video game industry worked. 

What are you expecting EXACTLY?

  Say all the haters do get their way... what do we have? Its too similar? of, now Halo is a third person shooter. The next one will be a puzzle shooter. And the one after will use paint   ball guns and shoot covenant grannies.  
 for those who like to complain about the lack of change, lets add the differences between each game in the franchise, shall we?
New story. vastly improved graphics. improved armor customization. improved game play. the ability to play as an elite. new weapons. new maps. online multiplayer.  Skulls.
Halo 3
 new story. improved graphics. Vastly improved armor customization. new weapons. forge. video editing.  rebuilt engine. Ranking System. new gametypes. improved skull system.
 Halo Wars
New story.  Entirely different genre. New Characters. 
 New Story. very different game style. new maps. new enemy types. New characters. Firefight.
Halo Reach
 New Story. Improved Graphics. Re-rebuilt engine. Armor abilities. Online Firefight. Vastly improved forge. improved armor customization. New maps. new weapons. credits system. Improved ranking system. new game types. i ask again, what more do you want? If the late 90's-2003 and even current games like Bioshock and Batman have taught us anything, its that the first thing in each list (a new story) should be enough for anyone to buy a new game. But further along, Halo reach has the most changes out of all of the games in the franchise. Soooo... what more is it you want? What else needs to be done to stop the haters hating?
  If you dont like a franchise, it means its time to stop buying things from said franchise (see Burger King reference). Buying and complaining about something because its doing exactly what its designed to do is incredibly ignorant. But then again... this is America.