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Sersie's Top Adventure Games

Adventure games have had their ups and downs over the years, but this genre still is something I really enjoy.  The focus on a story mixed with puzzle elements make this a pleasurable alternative to more action oriented games.
Now, since adventure games tend to come in series, I made the decision to just choose the best game from a series to represent the rest, at least for now.  I may modify this list or create other ones to take into account individual accomplishments for games within a series.
Also, this is not a definitive list covering ALL adventure games.  This is just games that I have played.  Some games I have yet to play, but still won't be on this list (yet).   That said, I have played a LOT of adventure games over the years, so this is not a bad list. :)

List items

  • It is hared picking a #1, especially when weighing all of the adventure games of the past 30 years. However, I think the one game that resonated the most with me was The Longest Journey. This is partly due to it playing into one of my favorite story elements, which is the "Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court" sort of mechanism. I love the escapist nature of a person from today's world being thrust into some other world, and this game has it. April is also just a character I could identify with, and at the time, was one of the few women lead characters in video games. It was a wild ride following her as she tried to unravel the mysteries of the realm of Arcadia.

    The sequel, Daggerfall, was also a lot of fun, though it tried to shake things up with a new action combat mechanic for the consoles. This wasn't too annoying though, and focused more upon the world of Arcadia than even in the Longest Journey. Zoe, was also a great lead for this story. I was however saddened by the huge cliffhanger at the end of the game, especially since there is little chance we will see a completion of the trilogy. One can hope though.

  • Syberia was one of the first adventure games I played on a gaming console. Before this adventure games were always on the PC, especially given their point-and-click focus. To be sure, I always felt it was a bit clunkier playing on a console, but the story of Kate Walker and her quest for mammoths.

    Like The Longest Journey, the sequel for Syberia continues the story in a more magical setting than the first Syberia game and unfortunately leaves off with another poor cliffhanger. Still it is worth a look to follow Kate on her strange quest into the heart of Russia, still looking for the elusive wooly mammoths.

  • Ah Gabriel, my wonderful cajun novelist. There is so much to say about this game, but I shall stick to highlights here. For one there were wonderful characters, all of whom were actually voice acted by people we know (Gabriel was Tim Curry, and his detective friend was Mark Hamill). The story itself was a lovely stew of mystery, voodoo, and the supernatural all rolled up into a nice adventure. One of Sierra's greatest in my opinion.

  • Sierra had long cornered the market on adventure games until Lucas Arts finally got into the act. Monkey Island is a cornerstone of the adventure gaming world especially notable for it terrific humor. And of course the pirate theme is pretty awesome!

  • This will be a bit of a dark horse for some people, but The Laura Bow series was a game I loved from Sierra. Laura was sort of a Nancy Drew archetype, just oozing with moxy and ability. I particularly loved The Dagger of Amon-Ra because it tapped into my love of Egyptology.

  • This might have been a more unknown title for most people if it was not for the revival of Sam and Max in their recent episodic games from Telltale games. However, this game was the original and was totally hilarious. The saga of our intrepid heroes traveling across the United States on and her old school highways and byways in search of Bigfoot is a classic.

  • More Sierra, and rightly so. Space Quest was one of Sierra's cornerstone game series. Space Quest was firmly rooted in a comedy genre and played with all manner of jokes poking fun at things like Star Wars and Star Trek. Loads of fun!

  • I was not a huge fan of the King's Quest series (oddly). But with VII, there was such a departure from the normal production values of previous games that it had become almost Disney-esque. This had a lot of appeal to me. I also liked it because it was voice acted, which I prefer.

  • Another great Lucas Arts game, this time focusing on the adventures of Ben, the leader of a biker gang and his fight against the owner of Corley Motors. This game actually has a lot of great atmosphere and was definitely different in theme than most adventure games. I am sure this is in no small part due to it being written and created by Tim Schafer, who later did Psychonauts and Brutal Legend.