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Sersie's Stack of Shame

Every gamer has one.

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Though the size and subject matter may vary, we all of that stack of games that you just haven't gotten around to playing for one reason or another. Maybe you were just overwhelmed with a flood of games over many holidays, or maybe something shiny came along and distracted you. Whatever the reason, sometimes you just don't get around to playing a game so you stick it on the shelf...then another and another. Eventually the fact that the stack is so big becomes a reason unto itself for not playing those games.

Another complicating factor for me is that I have it in my head that I need to buy games as they come out. Mostly it is to play the game while the rest of the world is playing to take advantage of the game's zeitgeist. Sometimes it is because of the deals and pre-order bonuses that I just "must have." Because of these various reasons, I have bought almost every game I even remotely wanted to play as they came out with no chance of being able to play them in a timely manner.

I have gotten better at this! I am still working on it, but I now will pass on buying games up front, and instead wait until such time as I have more time to play them. The added bonus is they are usually a lot cheaper then.

However, my Stack of Shame is still there, and covers almost an entire generation of consoles with both Xbox 36o and PS3 titles. I am not counting anything I have in my Steam collection (just yet), but I certainly needed to do something with the the games that take up not a little bit of space in my small apartment.

And so this is my quest...

Play through my stack, in no particular order, until such time as I deem it sufficiently diminished, or until it is gone.

How I am defining "played" is partially by a numerical goal and that is a cost/benefit ratio of about $10/hour. This is totally in line with a movie night out and an acceptable use of my entertainment budget. For a AAA $60 game that works out to 6 hours, and so my plan is to devote at least 6 hours to every game of that type in my stack. I don't have to finish it, unless I want to. For cheaper games I can play for less time, and certainly if I really just hate the game I may just bail on it, but they will come out of the cellophane and THEY WILL GET PLAYED.

I don't plan on ignoring other, newer, games during this quest, as I have lots of good new games on the PC, Xbox One and PS4 to play as well. I do not want my Stack of Shame to grow. So I will probably trade off between new and old games until such time as I deem the Stack sufficiently diminished. I think it is OK to have a few games there, just not so many.

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