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Is Street Fighter II possibly the greatest game ever created!

I've been playing a hell of a lot more Street Fighter II lately, and the Saturn arcade perfect port version, and god damn is it wonderfull to play, with solid control, and smooth gameplay, no slow down when hadoukens thrown. Plus just an awesome game to sit down and play.
I suggest everyone get a Saturn and but Capcom Generations 5, which is Street Fighter II, Street Fighter II: Champion Edition, and Street Fighter II: Turbo.
They are all arcade perfect ports, with an s-video cable, plus the saturn controllers. You will never crave Street Fighter more. I can't stop wanting to play it, even at work, all I do is eat, sleep, and breathe Street Fighter II. I've gotten way to good with Ken, now im practicing with my second best, Zangief.
But, I'm asking, really, when you actually think about it, is  Street Fighter II reallt perfection, in my eyes it is the greatest thing to happen to this earth, and Vag. But I want to hear others in thier opions, the ones that have played the best versions of Street Fighter II, not the SNES (slow down when Hadouken is thrown) version.
I'd love to hear your answer. sorry if thier is mistakes, or ranting about how awesome this game really is, im kinda drunk, and showing my true love for in my opinion what is the greatest game ever created.!