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A PSP remembered

Listening to last weeks Bombcast, the guys spent some time talking about observing PSP's in the wild. The conversation prompted me to go looking for my PSP, mostly because I wanted to see what game/UMD I had last played. I had moved twice since I had last powered up my PSP, so finding it and its AC adapter was no easy task. I finally located my old PSP and, with great excitement, opened the UMD slot. Deuce Bigalow: European Gigalo is what stared back at me from the back to my dusty PSP. This is extremely fitting, I thought to myself as I closed the PSP, placed it back in the box in my closet and shut the door.


Back in the mix

Black Friday laptop deals got the better of me this year, and I decided to snatch up a relativity powerful and cheap HP laptop. Needless to say, one of the first things I downloaded was Steam. I picked up a few games on the cheap over the past two weeks; World of Goo, Limbo, Oblivion, The humble bundle. This weekend I picked up the Borderlands GOTY edition and it completely stole my weekend. I played it on 360 when it first came out, but I never finished it. There is something supremely comforting about stepping back into a old yet familiar game and getting hooked all over again. The random look drops, hawk screeches and numbers flying off enemies elicit the same visceral feelings. Looking forward to actually beating it this time and spending some time in the DLC.

*Thanks for the spelling heads up, Little_Socrates


Fallout 3 is the reason I'm tired ar work...

So, I've spent every night the past week playing Fallout 3 until 2AM and then paying the price at work the next day. I wake up, feel like hot garbage, swear I'm going to go to bed early that night, but I think you can guess what happens that night. I can't believe that it has taken me this long to get into this game, i also can't believe what an incredible time thief this game has become.