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Having a negative opinion on something you're informed about, and can explain your viewpoint, is always welcome!

Having a negative opinion on something you've never tried, especially if you're just regurgitating other people's uninformed commentary, comes across as embarrassing.

It reminds me of all the people back in the PS1 era who used to dribble out "Tomb Raider is bad for women, people just buy it because there's a cheat code to make her nude.... " or that time a police officer said "The only time an adult would play Animal Crossing is if they're a paedophile trying to hook up with kids..."

Completely uninformed, and completely embarrassing.

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Does this game have an offline CPU vs CPU mode? (Even if it's just in training mode or somesuch?)

A lot of past Guilty Gear games had that controller menu where it'll say "COM vs COM" if you put the controller between the two player sides, but it won't actually let you start a match until you choose a side.

I like to mess around with a close friend in making custom CPU tournaments, but only some games allow this.

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@wenjamin said:

the orb's color, by itselt, is probably more blue than green. however, when there are also navy blue orbs on the board, any reasonable person who is giving directions would say "green" to disambiguate "which blue", right?

To me it looked cyan.

I definitely don't see any green in it whatsoever, but I can see how people often confuse "light blue" with cyan, even though they're separate colours.

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@stordoff said:
@plaz said:

Oh, there's the transphobia. I was wondering how many games this series could get in without any-- I guess 0!

It is always more disappointing in such an otherwise neat game.

It's a BAD trans* stereotype, and played for laughs WAY more than it should be, but I think "transphobic" is a tad strong. Unhelpful, unpleasant, ill thought out, etc. - sure, but I feel calling it transphobic implies a level of malice which I didn't get at all.

He's not transitioning.

It's a man who dresses in ladies clothing as part of his style, and it's not unpleasant or ill thought out at all. It's simply saying "This particular muscled guy has business experience in the leisure district and speaks/dresses this way."

It'd be like saying "Eddie Izzard is such an unpleasant transphobe!" Sometimes a guy who just enjoys wearing ladies clothes is just a guy who enjoys wearing ladies clothes, and that's okay.

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The "free smile" reference is in a lot of Japanese games. McDonalds had an advertising campaign for their family friendly customer service there, saying that McDonalds is where "the smiles are free" and often put a 'Smile - 0 yen' on their menu as a nod to the commercials.

Of course, a lot of people ordered the free smile thinking they were being clever, and the staff likely endured years and years of fake laughter pretending it was a very witty joke that someone actually ordered a smile for the hundredth time each day.

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Count me as another person fooled into thinking that the only episodes available were 1, 2, 3, and 8, given that's all that showed on the home page.

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Edited By scarycrayons

@phoenixvanguard: I think that the video podcasts are premium, but the audio version with ads is for everyone.

Edit: Ah, wait, maybe I'm mistaken? I'm not really sure any more! I think there should be both a premium and non-premium version, but I have no idea how they're rolled out.

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If you prefer to do things weekly, then maybe a tradeoff would be longer episodes?

Assuming howlongtobeat is accurate for the 'main+extra' time, 50+ hours at around 1.5 hours per episode will take over eight months, but if you had episodes that were 2.5 hours long, it'd only take around five months.

After this first episode, it feels as if we haven't even finished the introduction or caught up to the quick look, and that was with going through the dialogue fairly quickly and all exploration segments being railroaded with dead ends and closed stores.

@alex said:

@peffy: Here's a question I'd pose to you and anyone else who is concerned about how long this series might go. Is it such a bad thing if it takes us a long time to finish this? I realize the Way of Things nowadays is to release in batches, or at least on a very frequent basis. Personally, I think there's merit to sticking with a series over the long haul. I don't mind the idea of us playing through Yakuza 0 over the next few months, if not longer. I like the idea of having a regular game we go back to every week. I think it makes the journey a little more satisfying to allow some space between episodes. Even just leading up to recording our second episode this week, I found myself pretty giddy at the thought of jumping in for our next bit. Anticipation tends to breed enthusiasm, at least in my experience.

You're right that this may go on for a very long time. Our next episode, for instance, involves a lot of exploring and messing around with the different shops and activities around the city. We probably won't have too many episodes like that, but we're allowing ourselves the time to absorb the world and see what's on offer. If that means we're still working our way through Tokyo's underworld by the time the summer rolls around, so be it.

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Edited By scarycrayons

@jeffgoldblum said:

Originally, I would have said No Man's Sky for hottest mess in a heartbeat, but Alex's argument totally convinced me. At some point someone on the deliberations cast said something like "You can't have a hotter mess than white supremacy" and I couldn't agree more. I understand why some people are of the opinion that politics should stay out of games (I respectfully disagree), but Luckey's actions dragged the entire industry downward and I'm very happy that Giant Bomb chose to very publicly disavow anything and everything related to white supremacy and internet hate groups.

The problem is that there was absolutely no 'white supremacy' involved.

He disliked the idea of Hilary Clinton as a president. That was his crime.

The controversy here is that the media made an incredibly bizarre link from 'He doesn't like Hilary', to 'That means he must support Trump', to 'All Trump supporters who make meme images are white supremacists.'

Neither one of those followup statements were remotely true, so I can understand why people are still bitter about misinformation being spread around.

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Wait, it was a white supremacism thing?

The only thing I heard about was the billboard saying 'too big to jail' but nothing about white supremacism. Did I miss something?

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