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Average score of 6 user reviews

Sucks !! 5

Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Yeah it is as boring as hell avoid at all cost Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks !!Sucks...

0 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Gameplay wise rocks 1

I was not happy when I hear about the idea for this game .Even untill now I hate the DC characters and the versus thing but gameplay wise this game rocks .The team added new ideas to the gameplay and returned to the old formula which is 2D .They have done a great job with the gameplay .Yeah it rocks in the gameplay but sucks in the idea .Head for the gameplay !...

1 out of 4 found this review helpful.

Tekken 5 sucks ! onother step back to a falling series ! 1

Namco doesnt want to take risks so with every new Tekken you will see the same formula not only for gameplay but also for characters .Characters dont age in this game .The story sucks and the graphics were not that great .It is really boring .Dont buy it if you are not a fan .Stick with MK and leave this game for losers It was realy  a wate for my 20 bucks !...

0 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Yeah best fighting game ever ! 0

After Deadlly Alliance .Here it was Deception released to be one of the most epic fighting games ever .Should I start with thebackground or the death traps or even the styles of fighting game .The gameplay ios just like MKDA but with manu new features .Konquest mode is just epic and well designed .It is very much better than any other fighting game outside there ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Fucken amazing ! 2

After 5 years of silence here it was  MK5 under the name of MK Deadly Alliance returned atrongly fun .The game is clean from any glitches .It was really a good experince with a long and big replay value .One of the best Mk ever The gameplay was good and very fast .It was the fastest 3D fighting game and it may still is .The haracters looked good and the background are just epic .Really really great game ....

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Resident Shit !!! 35

This is not RE the game we once knewand loved .This game is just a squad shooter but the enemies are black people (Yeah Capcom sucks and inults Blacks ) Graphicly it great but gameplay wise it is shitty .Dont waste your time with it .Go and buy MGS4 or GOW 2 for true squads games and Silent Hill for true thrill ....

2 out of 93 found this review helpful.