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#1  Edited By roushimsx
@MattyFTM said:
" Can anyone think of a game that takes place in Monte Carlo? As in the city, not the race track? Because if so, we could keep both, transfer the info about the race track to the Circuit De Monaco page, and turn the Monte Carlo page into a page about the city. "
The easiest example I can think of is Goldeneye for N64. I'm sure it wouldn't be terribly difficult to turn up some other names to go along with it.
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#2  Edited By roushimsx

I can see keeping the newly created page for the arcade DDR Extreme release (though with a name change to the proper "Dance Dance Revolution Extreme" name). I just dug around a little bit because I was curious if the home version really added all that much and it looks like the song lists are actually pretty damn different (mainly due to licensing issues?) in addition to a lot of new gameplay modes.

Guess they just recycled the name to score better sales or something?

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#3  Edited By roushimsx

Crazy. I'm sure I've seen a PS2 in a few games but I can't really recall anything right now. Not as readily as the Saturn (Shenmue, Virtual On), Dreamcast (VOOT), or N64 (Banjo Kazooie). Hrm.

The list could use a full on abortion and a targeted text block to more clearly specify that it's not a platform tag, it's an object page. Right now the list has just completely grown out of control.

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#4  Edited By roushimsx

Please quit stripping mention of the arcade release from the entry. While the more commonly known arcade Moonwalker gameis entirely different, this release did see some action in arcades on the Mega-Tech hardware.

Also, let's try to keep the entry at least somewhat neutral and quit adding in phrases and words like, "surprisingly good" / "excellent" / "awesome" / "one of the best games on the system", etc.

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#5  Edited By roushimsx

Rename Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - Autobots/Decepticons to either "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - Autobots" or "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - Decepticons" and create a page for the other game title.

Both games have enough differences to warrant separate pages with their different perspectives for the overall storyline, different characters, different missions (though the overall mission design is still fairly simple), etc.

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#6  Edited By roushimsx
@Not_Rage said:
" is it Corridor Crawler? "
Still a bit different from the "Train Levels" idea the OP is looking for.

Like, Doom could be considered a "Corridor Crawler", but it lacked a level akin to E1M3 (Phantom Express) in Blood (which was probably one of the high points in early train level design). Pretty impressive level that wowed the hell out of people back then because, holy shit, the train was actually moving the whole time (in a straight line, no less!).
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#7  Edited By roushimsx
@Metal_Mills said:
" I'm not talking about a wikpedia or other gaming site content but stuff said by the developers or key info off the games main site. "
Those are marketing bullet points. You can rewrite them to be more neutral, but outright copying them just induces copious amounts of weasel words.

Your rewritten line is much better, but I'd try to trim down on the vague words (like "some") to make it more specific.

Never, ever, ever copy information about a game line for line from a developer's site. They're fantastic resources for finding information that may not otherwise be available elsewhere, but they're inevitably written in a deliberately biased fashion (something that you should always try to avoid).
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#8  Edited By roushimsx

I can see keeping Worms 2: Armageddon since it adds a healthy dose of new content in addition to revamping the classic game with modern Worms features. It's as much a new game as it is a remake of an old one. Somewhat parallel to Resident Evil (Gamecube), Tex Murphy Overseer (PC), Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes (GC), Dune 2000 (PC) and Castlevania Chronicles (PS1/X68k).

Monkey Island is way more questionable. They're keeping 100% in line with the original game in terms of content and only updating the graphics/sound/interface. Maybe if they'd thrown in a new puzzle or something else that would had added to the gameplay then I'd see splitting it off. Not even any new insults or jokes :(

What was their rationale with sticking with 1080i for output? Seems a bit odd.

Oh well, day one purchase for me.

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#9  Edited By roushimsx
@cinemandrew said:
" It's not a synonym for melee, but I believe it is a form of melee. Just like mustard is a condiment. I could see your point if there were more depth to the concept of the "buttstroke", but there's not. It can easily be summed up in one sentence. In my opinion, that does not warrant a page of it's own. "
Really? Wow, even the Marines couldn't sum up butt strokes in a single line when they wrote
MCRP 2-03B. They even bothered to go into further detail and break it down by horizontral butt stroke, vertical butt stroke and the "smash", which I suspect most butt stroke references are to.

Melee is a great catch-all concept for random acts that just can't justify their own pages. Using a lamp as a weapon in Dynamite Deka, for instance. Unfortunately, it's also generic and broad enough that it encompasses every hand to hand combat action possible, to include every variation of martial arts you could find on this site. Even Chuck Norris isn't immune to the merging.

Hell, why even have melee when we have Hand to Hand combat, which covers everything melee covers and more (including grapple and block)?

@NickL said: 
" a buttstroke always has to do with the act of hitting someone with an object, which is included under the term meleee"
A butt stroke is a specifc act relating to the physical use of the butt of a rifle. There's a fairly large differences in the number of games that include it vs. the number of games with generic melee actions. Rereading the ever-so-brief blurb on the entry in question, I think it should be rewritten to specify that it only relates to hitting someone with the butt of a rifle instead of just any firearm. Smashing a pistol over someone's face is not a buttstroke.

Also, it looks like the page should be renamed to "butt stroke" as it appears to be the proper term.
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#10  Edited By roushimsx
@NickL said:
" @roushimsx said:

it is not the same though, should we then add kick and punch and stab by your logic? "
It is the same and yes.

Why have jump or sprinting if we already have parkour (and vice versa)?