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My First Attempt at Philanthropy, You Can Help!

Hi Everyone,

As a grad student in biomedical engineering I'm privy to a lot of cool new research ideas that people are working on the improve the lives of people suffering from cancer. Some of my fellow students have developed amazing technologies that help target cancer cells, cut off their blood supply and release localized drugs to kill the cancer. These technologies have the potential to ease the suffering of millions of people and in time maybe even cure future sufferers. I get to see first hand the results of cancer research funding and I'm amazed by the progress we have made, it is a great thing that must continue.

My country of Canada has a national hero called Terry Fox. Terry was diagnosed with terminal cancer but this did not dampen his spirits. This man ran across one of the largest countries in the world while dying of cancer to bring awareness and raise money to help fight the disease. Now every year millions of us run to celebrate the man and continue his mission.

This year I will be running 4.22km in order to do just that. It is only a small distance compared to what most runners are capable of but for me the feat is the galvanization of our community rather than the physical distance.

When Terry ran he had the goal of raising $1 for every Canadian. If I could get just one dollar of each user in the Giantbomb community it would be a massive help. For this purpose I set up a donation page on because donating is secure and simple, requiring minimal information. All of the money I collect will be donated to the Terry Fox Foundation, I will take a screenshot of the final donation transaction when I donate.

If you are feeling generous and would like to do a good deed, I would greatly appreciate your support.

Thank you,

Jeremy (aka RollingZeppelin)


Here is the link to the run I will be doing if anyone is interested.

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