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Do you play Race The Sun? I made a level for the game and would appreciate some feedback

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Valve Updates

College has started, so I don't have that much time for playing games anymore. Still, I had to check out the new updates for Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2 and Team Fortress 2.
Left  4 Dead just got one more campaign, pretty fun one. Three maps with an interesting finale. The thing is, you will hardly finish the campaign on singleplayer. You see, at the end of the campaign, someone will have to sacrifice themselves, and bots won't do it, of course (pussies). But they also won't cover you with the mounted machine gun as you start the generator, which will make the sacrificing part a little hard
Left 4 Dead 2 got the same campaign with same 5 new achievements as the L4D. The thing is, you get to play with the original survivors (so it's completely the same as L4D). You also can play the No Mercy campaign from Left 4 Dead. Yes, with original survivors and it's completely the same. By the way, check out the four-part comic on the Left 4 Dead site
Team Fotress got the biggest update. In-game store where you can buy items instead of just getting them through the drop system. Does Valve really need more money? Well, you don't have to buy anything if you don't want to and wait for everything to come to you through the drop system, but it's a long wait. The prices are outrageous. Polycount pack bundle (for 5 classes) costs almost 50 Euros. The game itself was 7. I really hope this one feature won't work out as they planned


Little Blog Post

Oh yeah, I forgot this is still here. Sorry for such long times between these blog posts (to both of you who read them).
I played through my seven hours of StarCraft II, playing only the campaign, which was very fun. But I just can't afford spending 60 Euros for that right now, so it will have to wait (or get cheaper). In the meantime, I decided to go back to World of Warcraft, as soon as the Cataclysm gets out. I don't know how good that idea is, but I'm starting to miss WoW. And I never experienced Battle at Mount Hyjal raid, which I always wanted. Hopefully, I'll do it this time.
Other than that, still working on Team Fortress 2 and Unreal Tournament III achievements. UT3 is going quick, TF2 not so much. I also bought Worms Reloaded. It's fun, I just don't know for how long it will be. I'll (try to) keep you updated


StarCraft, II

Just a quick update. If you read my blog, you know that I'm playing StarCraft. As far as that goes, I'm still where I was then. So yeah, not much progress there. But looks like I will join billion other gamers who play StarCraft II. Temporarily though. A friend gave me SCII trial key (guest pass or "friend pass"). It's worth for only 7 hours of game time, so we'll see how that works out...


StarCraft, Not II

I guess that wasn't really regular as I hoped it would be. Anyway, what's going on with you? Oh, who cares, you're here to see what's up with me, so here we go. 

Everyone is playing StarCraft II, and I feel like an idiot for still not completing the first one. Yeah, that's right, I never completed StarCraft. If that makes me less of a gamer, so be it. Last time I played it, I was on the last mission in the Terran campaign and rage-quit because it was too hard. So now, I'm playing it again, determined to finish the game this time. Currently I'm on the last mission in the Terran campaign and I rage-quit because it was too hard. But I'll get back to it. Probably.
Other than that, I've been playing Team Fortress 2, Left 4 Dead 2 and Unreal Tournament 3, all achievement hunting. I'm doing well, I suppose. TF2 achievements are ridiculous, though. If you'd like to give me a hand with them, give me a shout sometimes :)



I guess it would be a good time to write my first blog post here. I have to admit it's mostly motivated by the new Quest system, which is pretty fun. But, as long as I am writing something, let me write about myself.
So, my name is Roko. I'm from Split, Croatia. And I enjoy PC gaming, movies and.... that's mostly it, actually. I have a thing for Half-Life games, in my opinion one of the best man-made things ever. If you have to ask why, than I'm probably not going to like you very much. Other than [all] Valve games, I also like Serious Sam and Unreal Tournament franchises.  I'm a FPS guy, if you didn't catch that yet.
Well, hopefully I'll start hanging around here more often. As for the blogging, while it's not my thing, I'll probably write something soon. Thanks for giving me a minute of your very exciting life to read this. Bye