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Blog Post Number 2

I haven't written anything here in a while so here we go! First What have I been up to? I was Studying for exams, following E3, messing around with the Unreal Engine 3, and more recently made my own word press account Right now this summer im going to play and review games on that blog and give my opinions on them. The games will vary from old games to brand new games. Well its about 2 am where I am right now and im tired so im going to bed ... if any of you guys want me to review a pc/ wii game just post it in a comment and ill get to it if I get it 


My First Blog Post

OK, well im new here so I thought that I would introduce myself and tell everyone how I got to this site/ what i think of it. Well first of all ill introduce myself. I am 16 years old male and I love video games, I own a wii and a laptop (Gateway NV59). My favorite titles including Mass Effect 2, and Monster Hunter Tri. When I get out of High School I want become some form of writer even though Its my worst subject in school right now (other than gym). Anyways enough about me right now lets talk about how I got to the site. I found the site from ign's podcasts Game Scoop, and Nintendo Voice Chat (NVC) after hearing about it I cam to check it out and well here I am. Some things I like about this site are the quests! they are very fun and rewarding to do and lean about where things are in this site. it also reminds me of the site "Wegame" . But I dont like the Homepage of this site. well anyways I better get going. Would love some feedback on my writing and what you thought and also check out my youtube: 
My history of games. Well I guess when I was 4 or 5 i got my first system the Nintendo Entertainment system, I got it with a few games, Duck Hunt / Super Mario Bros, and of course Super Mario 3 . When I was little I would play these games all the time just because of how fun they were but when ever I was in a pinch (bowser) id get my dad to beet him =). one Christmas (a year or so after the NES) I got the N64 with games like: Golden Eye, Super Mario 64, Star Fox 64, and Banjo Kazzoie. I was still little so when there was something scary happened id call in my dad in to help =). Then I heard about the Game Cube (GC). I got it that Xmas (2001-2003 forget the year I got it) it loved it and I can only remember 3 games that I could play hours at end on it though. Those being Super Mario Sunshine (my favorite Mario game to date) and Custom Robo just a simple shooter (Super Smash Bros with robots you could say) and Super Smash Bros. On the GC I was more independent and I could beet all those things I use to find scary like bosses. I was starting to become more of a "gamer" and about a year or so before the Wii came out I heard about it and asked for it for Xmas, and got it and that brings us to present day I think other than I bought a DSi last year.
the reason I stick with Nintendo is because of all the great times and sheer fun ive had just playing those old NES games... and ive tried other systems the Xbox 360 dont see many other games that aren't shooters on it, if I want a shooter I got to my PC, I haven't tried the PS3 but ive played the PS2 although its alright hate the controller.  

My wii collection. I have quite a few games:  

  • The New Super Mario Bros
  • Mario Kart
  • Super Mario Galaxy (and soon to be 2 xD) 
  •  Monster hunter Tri  
  • Rockband
  •  Call of Duty 4
  • Twilight Princess, and a few other games.