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New Releases January 23-29th

Tuesday January 25th

Dead Space 2 (PC/X360/PS3) 

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Publisher: EA

Developer: Visceral Games

The first Dead Space was a success story like no other in that it was able to create a new well received IP for EA when they were looking to branch out into new territory. While other attempts to achieve similar success would fail for EA, such as Mirror’s Edge and Dante’s Inferno, Dead Space was able to break out into the mainstream garnering success from gamer’s and critics alike. With bigger scares, more elaborate animations, and a new adventure for Isaac Clarke, it seems that Dead Space 2 is prepared to create that same success all over again. Review Scores in the 90’s don’t hurt either.


Two World II (PC/X360/PS3)

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Publisher: SouthPeak Interactive

Developer:TopWare Interactive

Things I’ve heard about this game from other people on the internet: It’s surprisingly good and better than the original

Things I remember about the original: It might have been the worst RPG I’ve played in my entire life.

Things I’ve heard from critics (not so many) so far… lies somewhere in between the differing opinions of the internet and myself.



Monday Night Combat is out on Steam today, and if it’s as good as the XBLA edition, it’s worth consideration.