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Playstation 24" 3D Display first impressions.

So I just bought the Playstation 24" 3D Display and have been messing around with it for awhile. Instead of writing a long post I'll just post some personal pros and cons I've noticed so far.


- Motorstorm Apocalypse comes bundled with the display. Some may not like the game but I'm a fan of the series and from what I've played I like it.

- The picture quality is great. 1080p, 240hz. Popped in a blu-ray and played some Uncharted 3 and it looks fantastic.

- The 3D glasses are comfortable and are fast to charge. If the information is to be believed you'll get 30 hours of play time with a 30 minute charge.

- Speaking of 3D I played some Uncharted 3 in 3D. I was pretty negative on the whole 3D movement, mostly from bad theater experiences, but I have to say Uncharted 3 looked great. Everything just popped and stood out more. Rocks or statues I didn't quite pay attention to in my initial play through looked great.

- There are a variety of sound options and from what I've heard it sounds great.


- The base is solid and doesn't shake but when putting it together it felt flimsy and cheap.

- Not all 3D games are created equal. Uncharted 3 looked stunning but I found Killzone 3 to look bad in 3D. I'll give it another go, might have been the level I played around in, but I'm not keeping my hopes up.

- Yo dawg it's $499 for a 24" display!!! It suits my needs perfectly, I needed a display to play games at my desk and coming from my old Toshiba 32" that only did 720p it looks great, but I wouldn't recommend it to someone who loves playing and watching on a big screen.

Overall I'm happy with my purchase and will continue using it. If you have any general questions feel free to ask, unfortunately I can't answer any on the whole Simulview tech as I only have one pair of glasses. Also here is a video of a pretty lady talking about the display.