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Forza Motorsport.. can you feel the love?

Most people know that Forza is how i roll, great friend and awesome artist that i am, i created a car based on PIE, if i do say so myself, the resemblance is uncanny

and then i done some other shit.

Beautiful i know, don't rape me all at once.
Beautiful i know, don't rape me all at once.

Stop criminal scum, a few seconds later i was a smoking heap of scrap after losing control.. sad face
Stop criminal scum, a few seconds later i was a smoking heap of scrap after losing control.. sad face

MOAR PIE, notice the cherry? again, form an orderly queue for the rape.
MOAR PIE, notice the cherry? again, form an orderly queue for the rape.

Forget FuzzyLongcat, FuzzyLongdog is where its at, in this, i underestimated the 900 odd hp and lost control,
Forget FuzzyLongcat, FuzzyLongdog is where its at, in this, i underestimated the 900 odd hp and lost control,

My awesome Guinness Scooby, that is to say.. my awesome Guinness Scooby that i bought in the auctionhouse
My awesome Guinness Scooby, that is to say.. my awesome Guinness Scooby that i bought in the auctionhouse


Short Halo 3 picture story.

Construct.. one of my favorite maps in the game.
First, i usually go for the sword, it give a slight advantage that neutralises my shittyness.
Im the Red Elite.

Me and my unnamed comrade taking out a random blue guy:

Us again, doing our kill celebrations.

While celebrating, a blue guy appears.. charge!!!

Sadly, all good things come to an end, me and my buddy needed new swords,
so we ran into the grav lift.. feeling unstoppable, until those blue bastards ambushed us.


Xmas Blawg

Only a few more days left, just think..a whole year until it comes again to suck your money and fucking sanity from you.

Happy Xmas/holiday and a merry new year folks.

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