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Jeff rules and is right. People rushing to the comment section to be faux offended by him dunking on chat is fucking comical. Clearly those people represent the entire audience of Giant Bomb, because that is how this works.

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@avioto said:
@plan6 said:
@avioto said:

"Epic never went after Steam" Except when they literally pay devs to not release their game on Steam.

For a specific period of time, which is normal for most retail spaces. The only reason Steam doesn't have a history of doing this is because they were the only show in town forever.

Normal? Normal is paying for exclusivity, Epic is paying to keep a lot of games off Steam. There's a difference.

And now Steam has plenty of competition and they're still not doing exclusive deals, so that reasoning doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

Ok, I guess. I remember a lot of timed exclusives for all sorts of products over the years, but I must be wrong and Epic is very, very bad.

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Edited By plan6
@archnite said:

This is such a small thing, but I can't believe we are in 2020 and a primary game mechanic just called "Burst." Possibly the most non descript word possible to describe anything.

Given the strong anime flavor of the game, including the power rock, it seems to be drawing on the concept of "going all out". The terms "full burst" is or "burst mode" are common in heavy combat animes of the world.

Also, you are right, it is basically meaningless if you lack the context I am burdened with.

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@avioto said:

"Epic never went after Steam" Except when they literally pay devs to not release their game on Steam.

For a specific period of time, which is normal for most retail spaces. The only reason Steam doesn't have a history of doing this is because they were the only show in town forever.

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Edited By plan6

I have over 500 solo hours in this game. It was my podcast game for years. I need to dig back into my PC version and get it up to iceborne.

And the grappling hook rules and keeps the fights interesting. Prior to that you were dancing around to much waiting for the monster to do a specific attack.

Edit: Omg, I didn't know he started with the chargeblade. Someone teach him about godpoints so he can spend hours practicing free blocks.

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@andrewf87462: I believe most parents would try to talk their kid out of sacrificing themselves to create a cure. But that initial, natural response, does not solve the long term problem that the child is an entire person who will someday be beyond the parents control. And they likely won’t appreciate being forced to live in a word of suffering that persists because that choice was taken out of their hands.

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Edited By plan6

@mellotronrules: I don’t think it’s a complex issue that needs much debate. Joel isn’t her parent and has no right to made decisions for her. The choice he made for her was one of pure selfishness. He wasn’t even interested in giving her the option, because he feared what LoU2 confirmed, that Ellie would choose to die to create a cure.

And this isn’t an uncharted issue. Underaged people have made decisions about ending their own life legally before. Such has suffering from terminal cancer. Last of Us is not treading into uncharted water with their moral question. The debate falls firmly on the agency of the child(of Ellie’s age). The main concern court often is that the child is receiving good information and confirming they understand their choice.

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Edited By plan6

@mellotronrules: Given that no legal authority exists in the world of Last of us, the legal age a child is able to make medical decisions doesn’t factor in much. And as someone who works in law, the situation in last of us is so extraordinarily that any statute or legal theory from the pre-outbreak would wouldn’t really be on point.

And the last of us two makes it pretty clear that Ellie wanted to make that decision herself. Child or not, no adult there was her parent or guardian. None even Joel. So leaning on the argument that children can’t make decisions fails because unrelated adults can’t made medical decisions for children either. The reality is that both sides of that conflict were going to take away Ellie’s agency.

Edit: Having thought about this more, I’ve realized a lot folks that liked Joel seem to be super focused on the idea of sacrificing a child for humanity. The discussion never seems to go to the next stage, if the child would want to live their life in a bleak world of suffering that they could have saved? And could you accept it if the a kid like Ellie was willing to die to save everyone? Because Joel, as a character, couldn’t.

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Edited By plan6

@cikame said:

So it sure sounds like everyone on this podcast would sacrifice their child for humanity?

Hahaha yeah, I got that impression as well. I know if it was me I would put my child before anything.

Well, one of the main points in the game is that the child should get to choose what they want to do.

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@tom_omb: not sure why you tagged me. I understood the thrust of the story. It wasn’t hard to understand.