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#2  Edited By Phr4nk0

@colorbrandon: Because its the Xbox One. The whole simplification of your life, no more input switching and voice control.

I agree they are fighting against already adopted technologies and this puts them on the back foot, but if you are a grandparent, and you're thinking about buying Apple TV or Boxee or whatever for a little more maybe you get the Xbox One because your grandson can play it when he comes over. Maybe you are confused by all the remotes and the voice feature and no input switching makes your life easier. My grandparents cant work their remotes at all, to the point where they keep one channel on all day because it's to confusing to find what they want.

My dad plays fantasy football and has a small surface level interest in games, the integration of the whole fantasy football thing may tip him over the edge and get one where he wouldn't of otherwise. Also as I touched on in one of the later paragraphs it's not necessarily what is "necessary" but what advertisement can convince the herd that is necessary. Remember we are the informed consumers, as someone who has a friend in retail sales that I talk to regularly it's shocking the amount of people who come in uninformed ready to drop hundreds on items they think they need.

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I actually really liked Gun when it came out. Dunno how it holds up after playing RDR though. Outlaws was the bomb back in the day.

Sadly there's the western genre isn't to flush with games. Maybe look into the older Red Deads? I never played them so I don't know if they were any good.

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To be honest if you really don't want to pay just ignore it. If you're feeling nice send them a message explaining what happened and say sorry. As said above they may let you off the hook or they'll report you.

As someone whose partner sells on ebay - ebay is set up so far in the buyers favour that if you don't plan on selling stuff in the future negative feedback doesn't matter at all. For a seller a couple of negative feedbacks can ruin your business, which leads to a lot of stress for my girlfriend. Sellers can't chose not to sell to lower rated buyers, so having a bad rating means nothing. The only thing it may effect is if you launch a claim ebay might be more likely to side with a seller though that is rare. Sellers pretty much have to bend over backwards to keep buyers happy because of the way feedback works.

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No more online passes... just flat out serial numbers!

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#6  Edited By Phr4nk0

Cool thread title, the Don Mega would be proud. I have to say that always online was always just a rumour that I never bought into to begin with, so really the internet hasn't won anything except creating a strawman and then whooping it's ass. What I do like about this is confirmation of the next Xbox using Blue Ray, if this is legit.

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#7  Edited By Phr4nk0

As someone who never plays them, it looks like something from a JRPG. Other than that I don't know, though personally I would think the figure is more likely from some anime.

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#8  Edited By Phr4nk0

Last I heard they are down right now. They have been down for a couple weeks at least now. They used to do server maintenence every so often and they would go down for a few hours then come back up, last time they never came back up. THQ has commented saying they haven't shut them down but are in the process of porting it to Crytek, Crytek has said they have no plans to shut them down however since they don't have the servers yet they can't do anything about it. The servers were never really stable to begin with, people would drop from higher population matches all the time.

I'm guessing since Crytek bought it THQ aren't bothering to really find out what is going on with the servers. It's a waste of money to service a game they don't own, especially in the situation they are in. Whether or not they come back up is up to Crytek when they get full control, and if they can figure out what THQ have been doing to run the servers and what's happened to them. I think they will come back seeing as Crytek is working on Homefront 2, and pulling the servers for the original may give them some bad press before releasing the sequel.

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That is one sinful list... I've played most of those, maybe 5 or so on that list I have yet to play, excluding the ones that don't interest me too much. My main sin is just buying too many B-Grade games that seem interesting and I want to play but never get around to. I do try to get to the big games first which just leaves my B-Grade pile to grow and grow.

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Yeah I ended up adding a couple games to my list that way, and exactly as you said when you have a larger list it's not at all the most convenient option. I want the "Add to List" button back!!!