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PAX 2008

I finally decided to use this "blog" thing I heard so much about.
I don't own a cape or goggles, but I think I'll do fine.

I came back from PAX, and I brought some pictures! :D
The show was awesome, however it wasn't all perfect. :p
It was near impossible to see anything that took place on the main show floors, like the Penny-Arcade panel, Farcry 2 Demo, Fallout 3 Demo, or any of the concerts. I heard on some new outlets that 58,000+ people showed up for the thing!
If given the choice to go again, I would say yes, it was well worth it, and plus Seattle is f'ing beautiful.

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Farcry 2 They just set it up, its playing off a 360 Dev box. Its being shown by Clint Hawking, Creative Director.
Farcry 2 They just set it up, its playing off a 360 Dev box. Its being shown by Clint Hawking, Creative Director.
Aion, the sleeper hit. For a Korean MMO (NC Soft) it was super fun!
Aion, the sleeper hit. For a Korean MMO (NC Soft) it was super fun!
Nintendo's Answer to Guitar Hero and Rock Band. lulz
Nintendo's Answer to Guitar Hero and Rock Band. lulz
Escalators to heaven. Note just because you ascend, it doesn't guarantee you get to go in. The lines for all the major events were depressingly long, and most of the time, 1/2 or more of the people waiting, were turned away.
Escalators to heaven. Note just because you ascend, it doesn't guarantee you get to go in. The lines for all the major events were depressingly long, and most of the time, 1/2 or more of the people waiting, were turned away.