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Best Games of 2016

Hey. Hi. Hello. I played some video games this year. Some new. Some old. Here are 10 of my favorites from the new pile. I have a write up of my top 3 (and my favorite old game) on my silly little website. Check it out?

List items

  • Pokemon made it to the top! Finally!

  • This game has flaws. Yet I played over 100 hours of it.

  • Didn't expect this one to be this high.

  • This would probably be higher on the list if I didn't play it sleep deprived and at 3 in the morning.

  • The writing in this game is great. In fact, this game has a lot more going for it than people give it credit. The battle system definitely need some improvement, but it wasn't enough for me to put the game down.

  • Thank the modern wonders of the internet and Discord for this being on the list. If it weren't for the kind folks I've met through the GB and Waypoint servers, I would have never played this because I don't have real friends anymore. It's an awesome time.

  • same, tbh ^

  • I'm officially on the Picross Hype Train now. I should play that 3D one...

  • Telltale needs to chill out for a bit. But I still liked this game enough to make it on the list. But that has more to do with me not playing much of the bigger new releases this year (Tokyo Mirage Sessions, FF XV, and Fire Emblem Fates would have surely bumped this down.)

  • I don't like fish. Fuck fish. Murder all fish. But this game is cool. These fish can live. Especially ghost shark.