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People actually don't like the Galactic Punt?!

An acquaintance of mine had just started to play Persona 4 for the first time and yesterday I got some shocking news. This person, if you can even call it that, did not like the galactic punt! No, That isn't possible. How can that be possible?!

The scum's defense for this blasphemy was that in performing the move the end result was less Exp. at the end of battles. As a result, he never let Chie do it anymore.

In my head I thought to tell the ignorant slut that in Persona 4, compared to Persona 3, it is much easier to grind for Exp. since there is no game mechanic that stops you from running through the dungeons like there was in P3 with the risk of getting tired and sick. At worst you run out of SP but at a certain point you can just pay Fox if you are somehow incredibly under leveled.

This is what I should of said. Instead the rage overtook my body and I woke up the the next day with a mixture of mud and blood dried to the insides of my fingernails. Also I can't find my shovel or my bag of lime.


Just thought you guys may be interested that there are were people like this out there in the world.