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I love space. Followed it... as long as I can remember (being that I was born right between the Friendship 7 and Aurora 7 Mercury missions).

I keep an eye on all the space stuff (not just the big new rockets, the science missions are damn cool). NASA TV is my comfort food.

Been celebrating the 50th anniversary's of the Apollo missions by watching my Spacecraft Films sets which means I just finished up the Apollo 15 six disc set: Apollo 15: Man Must Explore – SPACECRAFT FILMS ( - you want to deep dive? This is your "More is not enough, I want it all" one stop shop. They have sets on Mercury, Gemini, selected Space Shuttle missions and more (they a three disc set about the development of the Saturn I and IB, and another 3 disc set on the Saturn V - would you like to watch 15 minutes of footage of five F1 engines running a burn and gymbal test?). And then there's this: Apollo Lunar Surface Journal ( and the companion: Apollo Flight Journal - Index Page (

Yeah, I vibrate with anticipation about space exploration. :-)

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Manhunt (2017) - Manhunt (2017) - IMDb This is the John Woo one (in case you get confused with the multiple movies and TV shows with that name). Not great Woo but good. He gets back to his gun-fu after his foray into history movies. Stupid. Slow mo. Blood. Plenty of "What?!" plot moments. Physics Defying. Good people are GOOD!!, bad people are EVILLLLL!!! (except for the ones who were misguided and swap sides). You know, just the kind of turn your brain off stuff I was looking for. 4/5

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#3  Edited By OldGuy

Anzac Biscuits

Makes 18 - 24

1 cup flour

1 cup rolled oats

1 cup finely shredded non-sweetened coconut

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 cup fine grain natural cane sugar OR brown sugar

1/2 teaspoon fine salt

1/2 cup butter, cut into little cubes

2 tablespoons golden syrup or honey

Zest of one medium orange

1 tablespoon boiling water

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

1 tablespoon orange blossom water

Preheat oven to 325F/163C and line a sheet pan with parchment paper.

Combine the dry ingredients in a large bowl; flour, oats, sugars, and coconut. Mix well.

In a small saucepan over low heat combine the butter, syrup (or honey), and orange zest. Stir until melted and remove from heat.

In a small bowl whisk together the boiling water and baking soda. Stir it into the butter.

Pour the butter mixture over the big bowl of oats and stir. Add the orange blossom water and stir again.

Place 1in/2.5cm balls on sheet ~1.5in/4cm apart.

Bake for about 12 minutes or until deeply golden. Cool on pan for a couple of minutes then cool on a wire rack.

Notes: A bit of non-stick spray on the edges and center of the sheet pan, under the parchment will help hold it in place.

This stuff is STICKY, a disher might work but I find wearing gloves and doing the best I can with fingers is the way to get them on the sheet with the least frustration.

Oh, right, the biscuits are sticky too so store with squares of wax paper between them unless you want a giant mass (which, granted, would still taste great).

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Dumb, dumb shenanigans. Stupid hijinx. That sort of thing.

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Tasting History with Max Miller (and the excellent side hustle: Ketchup with Max and Jose)

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...maybe next year... ...maybe in 2023... ...then again, that's the advantage of having a good (OK, great) PC and not really caring that much about playing the hot exclusive game until a couple of years after release...

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Zappa: 4/5 - Lots of excellent archive footage and a solid (if uncritical) overview of the man and his music. Not much new information but lots of unseen footage if you're like me (I've got all 118 Official Releases, I backed the Save the Vault Kickstarter... so yeah), but still good.

Bull Durham: 5/5 - The. Best. Baseball. Movie.

Right, now on to the Kung Fu.

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Watched a bunch of Cary Grant (and other stuff) on Criterion Channel:

Bringing Up Baby: 6/5 - I don't care what the experts say, I mean I love Some Like I Hot, but BUB is the greatest comedy ever made. Kate Hepburn IS the original Manic Pixie Dream Girl.

Arsenic And Old Lace: 5/5 - Grant later said he hated his performance in this one, feeling it was too broad and over the top - and it is, just a bit... but it still works

Mr Blandings Builds His Dream House: 4/5 - It'd been so long since I saw this one on late night TV back in the Pleistocene era that I had is mixed up in my head with The Money Pit. It much more a sweet and gentle film than an outright comedy. Myrna Loy... she's awesome.

The Thin Man: 5/5 - Fine lets watch some more Myrna (and William Powell). "...bring me five more Martinis, Leo? Line them right up here." Whee! We'll come back to watch more in the series soon (we run thru it every 5 or 6 years, so good).

Bell Book and Candle: 4/5 - You wondered where Bewitched came from? (Well, no, you didn't, you're too young) here it is. But my favorite thing is that this and Vertigo (my all time #1 movie) came out the same year with Jimmy Stewart and Kim Novak starring in both and they're... an interesting pair.

Trouble In Paradise: 5/5 - This is just a plain fun movie.

Next up, Kung Fu and Baseball!