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Average score of 14 user reviews

It may have some bugs but everything else makes up for it 3

Ok so Mercenaries 2 is a sandbox action actventure game and is the sequal to the first game Mercenaries Playground of Destruction. You can play as either of the 3 mercenaries each with their own special ability. the story has you chasing a guy named Roman who screwed you over and didnt pay you and you have to work for a varity of actions to get info on him. So here's a breakdown.Graphics: Some people say there not next gen and GS says they have their ups and downs well i can tell you now there a...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

YES! Games like this makes you glad your with Sony. 0

Uncharted drakes fortune is properly the best exclusive PS3 exclusive game yet. You are Nate Drake a modern day treasure hunter and are trying to hunt down the treasure of El Dorado. You start by finding Sir francis drake's coffin and find his diary. You end up on an island and your search starts there....Uncharted story is great as you progress through the game constant twists in the story keep you wanting for more. Is the treasure all that it seems.... The story is told by colourful cut scenes...

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Months of fun! 5

Tony hawk underground 2 is a great skateboarding game which anyone can enjoy. There is a lot to do on it to keep you busy for a while like completing both story and classic mode on all difficulties and finding all those pesky gaps. There is a lot of ways to customize the game to make it how you want, for example you can create your own skater and even download you image to make it so its like you in the game then there's lots of other stuff like make your own park, tricks, goals and even your ow...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

An excellent looking shooter 0

Black looks and plays good from the moment you turn it on.The story is told out well you are a solider named Keller and each conversion he has refers to a mission which is then flashbacked so you get to play that mission. The first mission you play through is great which excellent graphics, glass breaking everywhere and intense shooting.At the end of each mission you get a stats screen the best feature on it I think is how many enemies you killed, did you get them all.....?The only two bad thing...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Excellent best game out on Playstation 3

Metal Gear Solid is an excellent game for anyone. If you have never played the series then it doesn't matter you can pick up and play this game easily. The way the game combines stealth with action is amazing. Instead of going in, guns blazing you have to actually avoid enemies if you don't want a hard time. It is not a good thing if you are caught as enemies just keep coming and coming soon you will run out of ammo or die so it is best to keep your head down on this game.The gameplay is great b...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Another good driver game worth checking out! 0

I don't really see why so many people dislike this game.The game is great in every sense. Its story is not dull and boring its is told especically well. No other game has a unique story like this one. You start out young and hook up with a gang with a killer plan but then get turned on. During this part of the game you play 1978 where the cars buildings ect. look like they would in that era even the HUD is appropriate. Then you get thrown in jail and 28 years later get released and are out for y...

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Second best gajme ever made!! - EPIC 2

Ok here's the thing you either love this game or not and I would think most people love it. The game has two games in one, one you play as solid snake on a tanker mission and raiden on the plant mission. The story line is excellent and told with the use of lenthy cut scenes which work really well and look amazing. The graphics are fantastic from the detail of the guns you aim to the cloths that you where and the detail of the tanker and the big shell. When you are high up on the plant chapter (s...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A really fun FPS ! 3

I can't think of anything really wrong with this game.firstly its graphics are amazing and so is the gameplay.The story may be short but then the replay value kicks in because you will want to play through it over and over again to beat the game on all difficultly levels, then you will want to do all the challenges and unlock all characters and complete the game 100%.The story mode itself is funny and has great character models and voice acting. The game even opens itself up more when you play a...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Another awesome GTA Game 0

Vice city stories on the psp what more could you want?This game takes place before the events of the first vice city which already makes it have an interesting storyline. It tells the story of Lance's brother Vic who doesn't like dealing drugs but needs the money for his family. Vice city stories see's the return of many characters including Diaz, Lance and even Umberto who lives in his own house. Graphically it looks good for a psp game, although there may be some texture popping now and again ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Wow... Proper next gen graphics amazing story just wow.. 3

Ok assassins creed is one a game which will be remembered for a long time.Firsly the graphics are amazing, I think its the best graphical game to date, everything from Altair to the massive environment with leaves growing from trees tall buildings which dont lose texture and the many people populating the holy land not many of them copies of each other.The sound in assassins creed is excellent. great voice acting by all the characters, sword fights sound great and realistic, and one cool feature...

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Like FPS? then you'll love resistance! 0

Resistance was one of the lauch titles for the PS3 in 2006, and a great title it is.Resistance is all about 'aliens' called chimera. they were humans but have been infected and have been muted into chimera using conversion centres. In just two months the chimera took over all of Europe and have arrived at England. Which is where the game kicks of...You play as Hale a solider who is trying to defeat the chimera with the rest of humanity. Right at the beginning of the game he gets infected but not...

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The new burnout for next gen consoles, any good? Better then othe 0

The answer to all them questions is yes!Burnout paradise is the first burnout game for next gen consoles. It goes in a different direction to the series because unlike the other arcade racing burnouts this has gone for the free roaming part. You are in paradise city which has tons to do in it, you start of as a rubbish driver which a learners permit and must win events to get better driving liences. Paradise city itself is huge with 250 miles of road to drive on (don't know why some people compl...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Good addition to the MGS series 0

Metal gear solid portable ops for the PSP is one of the greatest psp games available, its a must have for any PSP owner or any MGS fan. The story of portable ops follows the events of MGS3: snake eater where you play as naked snake AKA Big Boss where you must dismantle a nuclear threat ignited by his former unit FOX. It helps if you have followed the MGS storyline up to now but newcomers will fit in here to.The gameplay of MGS PO is amazing considering its on the PSP. You can bult up your own ar...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Wow GTA IV is a masterpiece.... or is it 2

Well of course it is!. So GTA IV is properly the most hyped game ever but has it lived up to it? Well i can easily answer that with yes. This game is amaing in every way and has successfully done things which other games haven't even tried or been successful at doing. Im not just talking about one thing im talking about a lot things so....GTA IV story. Thats a 10/10. The story is this one is better then other GTA games. You begin as Niko Bellic just coming from easten Europe to America to live t...

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