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Just Cause 2 Demo

If you have a 360 (or PS3) you owe it to yourself to download the Just Cause 2 demo. The game is basically a GTA game where the fun and destruction that you normally get sidetracked by becomes the focus of the game. You earn money causing destruction. Money gets you bigger and better weapons. Bigger and better weapons lets you cause more destruction. It's the cycle of life.
The demo gives you access to a large chunk of the world map and you can do as much as you'd like within 30 minutes. There are cities, towns, construction sites, military bases and much, much more for you to explore and free the population by blowing stuff up. After your time is up you'll be taken back to the title screen and from there you can restart your adventures. Once you're out of the first location your time starts. You'll be given a way point and told to do some objectives but you essentially have free reign to do whatever you please. 30minutes isn't much time and there's far too much to do that once your first 30minutes is up you'll be back playing it a second, third and fourth time.
Did I mention there was a grappling hook? You can get around the island by bike or car but where's the fun in that? You've got a grappling hook and a parachute which is the preferred method for contract missionaries. Shoot the hook up a mountain, let yourself go flying and then release your parachute. You now have enough speed to speed through the air. From above you have greater access to the buildings and objects around you which allows you to cause greater destruction and have way more fun.
Can't wait to get my hands on the full game.