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Well today is my first day of school and I will be busy for quite a long time. I am really sad about it but I will try to get the podcast as much as possible.


Anyone from Alabama

Is anyone out there? If there is anyone from alabama here on the site dude PM me. I don't know anyone from my state that is on this site and it would be really cool I did. So someone please help me help me out!


So long for 3 days

Today is a very great day. I got 11 points, I beat the 3rd boss in FF4, and I am about to go to camp for a hole three days( that is not one of the good things ).
I hope to be back real soon and will update as much as possible.


3 points yeah!!

I finally got my first sub. approved and it was the OH so mighty "pokeball".
not a bad first one and maybe some of my other subs will be approved soon


Final Fantasy IV first look!

I finally got my hands on FF4 and I have to say it is one of the best games for the DS yet.
The updated look is well worth it and there is good voice acting as well.
The battle system is the same as the old game and it ages really well for such an old game.
I think it it is well worth the 40$ it cost and it will not fale you.


So much to do so little time

I am 30 min from going to town and getting FF4 so I have been playing other FF games for the mean time.
I have uploaded a couple of pokemon pictures. I hope to add every pokemon into the database and there is a
lot of them. That will most likely get me close to 1000 points.

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