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2018 GOTY Lists (super late)

I know this is super late. But just wanted to put here my GOTY lists and the winners in my book. Let it be forever known! I've clearly marked spoilers, but please proceed with caution if you have not played these games. Thanks!

My GOTY 2018
2God of War
3Into the Breach
4Red Dead Redemption 2
6Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
7Monster Hunter World
8Pokemon Let's Go: Pikachu/Eevee
9Assassin's Creed Odyssey
10Donut County

Most Disappointing Game
1Fallout 76
2Metal Gear Survive
3The Quiet Man
Best Surprise
1Tetris Effect
2Into the Breach
Best Game Moment
1Donut County Funny/General Dialogue
2Celeste Ending Level (Reaching the top)
3Spider-Man End Scene (Aunt May Dialogue/Harry in Tube)
Best 2D Side Scroller
2Dead Cells
3Hollow Knight
Best Looking World
1Red Dead Redemption 2
3Assassin's Creed Odyssey
Best DLC
1Monster Hunter World Free DLC!!!
2No Man's Sky continued support
3Assassin's Creed Odyssey (added weapons, story, mercenaries, etc.)
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