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Xbox 360 vs PC- An Achievement Whore's Dilemma

So I have just got a new PC and I love it. It's fast, looks great and runs really well. I also love my 360 and am a little bit of an achievement whore coming in at a modest 37000 or thereabouts. This puts me in a dilemma, what platform do I play my games on? For things like Modern Warfare 2 the choice is simple. My friends all play on the 360 so I got it on the 360. I've just seen that Dirt 2 is Steam's weekend deal and at £14.99 it's a steal especially as it has achievements. I could get it for the same price or near enough on the 360 but I want to push my new PC and see how good a game can look so why not get it for the PC (it also has controller support so I won't know the difference) 
There are, however, a few games I am unsure about. Most recently these have been Borderlands and Dragon Age. Both of these games supposedly play better on the PC due to the controls but neither supports achievements on the PC.  I think I will get Borderlands on the 360 because my brother has it but with Dragon Age I am split. It is definitely a game I will get into, which then leads to me sinking 50+ hours in to. But do I put the hours into a less well fit version of the game for the achievements or do I just suck it up, get over my achievement craze, and play it like it was supposed to be played?
I know for PC gamers this will be a no-brainer but to anyone who has been in a similar boat to me with regards to their own achievement addiction, let me know.
I could make the argument that if the game is so good I will eventually play it on both, but, if I playing it on the PC first, I may then not be able to get over the control flaws on the 360 version of the game.
Also for all the people who are dually in love with achievements and Steam deals, check out Killjoy's awesome guide to see what Steam games support achievements. If he's missed any that you know of, add them!