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My Fifa Challenge-d

The other week I began my attempt to get the Fifa 10 achievement "Ton Up". It's a pretty simple achievement- Win 100 ranked online games. It's worth a 100g but it's not the point value that I am particularly interested in; more the challenge. It seemed a good one to get especially since my chances of getting the 50g achievement "Time for a Testimonial" took a pretty substantial hit after my virtual pro was deleted by myself last week as I tried to rectify a local mulitplayer issue.
 I have started by setting myself the manageable target of two wins a day everyday- more if I can be bothered playing. Finding the time hasn't been a problem as I really do like FIfa 10 and the way, in general, the franchise has separated itself from my former lover Pro Evo over the last two editions. In fact I probably wouldn't even be writing this had Pro Evo not treated me like the wife of an abusive husband and kicked me around its metaphorical kitchen for the last three years. Eventually last year I said enough is enough and I went out, black eye and all, and bought myself a copy of Fifa 09 for cheap and had a really good time with it. It had issues, but they paled in comparison to the dinosaur that is Pro Evo. It felt fluid and snappy and provided hours of entertainment whilst my bundled copy of Pro Evo sat (and still remains seated) in my cupboard unable to the sold but now kept as a trophy and reminder to any of my other loved series that if you push me around too much I will eventually snap.
The implementation of the 360 control in Fifa 10 really does an a new dimension to the play and I think the AI is clever than years past. It has rectified the problem of advantage from last year but my still major grudge against the Fifa series is how easy it is to score. Most games end 5 goals plus whereas I really loved grinding out a 1-0 win in Pro Evo. However, I am willing to swallow this small pill and see Fifa 10 as probably one of, if not the most, complete sports games ever made to this point. I should point out that I do like a lot of other sports games. I have slowly warmed to Madden 10 after proclaiming it to be god awful a game into my experience with it. I think the changes made to that series, however small this year, have really made great leaps in terms of gameplay and realism, however Peyton Manning can still throw a 50 yard smart-bomb down the field whilst running backwards. I think in the coming years that series could push Fifa tight for realistic gameplay in the sense of passes being affected by player's footing and positions.
I also have a lot of time for the NHL franchise which I believe to be the most consistent of all the sport's franchises. I can't say too much about the NBA series' as I have only a little experience with them including my recent 1000g of NBA Live 07 (RIP). I also join fans either side of the pond waiting for a good baseball or rugby game. In fact I think I would take any rugby game at this moment in time. Honorary shout out to MMA games which look to have a bright future.
Anyway back to my challenge- 100 wins, 2 wins a day. Simple enough. Or so I thought. There was a certain expectation of frustration that came with this challenge but nothing compared to the levels I am reaching. I'll admit that I am a pretty aggressive gamer, in the sense that when stuff isn't going my way I get annoyed. Not turn off my console annoyed, more sit there screaming through clenched teeth. I guess my problem lies mainly with the former kind of annoyed people who find it quite alright to switch off mid-game or five minutes from the end when I put my sixth goal past them. Why goal 1-5 didn't rattle their cage I'm not sure but number six pissed them off. Worst off is when I get thrashed 6-1 or something, get challenged to a rematch and when I go ahead in the second game they quit on me. I feel my act of common courtesy should be repaid but clearly I am wrong.
I'm feel myself getting more and more disheartened with the lack of variety in opponent's teams. I'd be quite happy never to see the Chelsea, Inter, Barcelona or Real Madrid logos never again. I really thought there would be more people out there choosing different teams. I've been mainly playing with Aston Villa as I like the strength of the team mixed with the pace of Young and Agbonlahor. It seems I am one of a rare few who venture out of the 5 star team range but even I am picking a four and a half star team just so I am able to compete. I look forward to the day someone challenges me to a League One or Serie B game but I feel that I will have completed this challenge many times over before that day comes.
Some of my frustration must also be vented at EA for the ease in which players can get away with leaving the game early. I think on games similar to Fifa the option should not even be on the menu. If you want to quit then you must turn off your console to do so and put up with the game's excessively long intro. Also, whilst Fifa records peoples' DNF stats, it does not post them in the lobby screen. In fact, you only really get to see them on the leaderboard after they have quit on you making them as useful as a chocolate teapot.
All in all I hope I remain sane long enough to complete this challenge. I've won just over 30 so far so am I good course and only hope that as I progress higher and higher in the level system, the players around me, although better, do not feel the urge to quit on me quite so much. 
Also if Siik SKiilZz from my earlier game of Fifa on the 360 reads this- My threat of finding you and gutting you like a fish still stands you Barcelona, rage quitting bastard.