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Games on Steam with Live Achievements

 So I am fairly newish to this whole Steam malarkey. I have played games through Steam for years but only because my retail copies forced my hand. Anyway, I stumbled onto the store tab a few weeks ago after a hiatus from PC gaming and holy shit I have no money! Steam has stolen my money and left me with a list of games I will probably never play- I don't know what happened. I saw the words "Sale" and "80% off" and then, in under a minute, I had a list of about 10 games ready to be installed on my ancient laptop. Not good.
Anyway, after a bit of snooping on other people's blogs and forum posts, I was relieved to find I was not the only one. I had heard the GB staff speak of buying games on Steam that they will never probably play but I put this down to them working in the industry. I didn't think it would be a problem for a Joe No-one like me. I guess it's like muggings in foreign countries- You hear about them; but you never think it will happen to you. Well it did. Hats off to Valve, they have me hook, line and sinker.
I am only now starting to come around to the thought that this is probably what the next few years of my life will be like. I am now onto damage control. I have been trying to find out whether there is a way to combine my love of Xbox Live Achievements and Steam. I am aware that Steam has its own infrastructure of achievements for games like L4D2 etc but read somewhere that the Steam version of Fallout 3 allows you to earn Live achievements. I was just wondering if anyone could verify this and if anyone knows of any other games that when  downloaded through Steam allow you to earn Live achievements. I have done a quick scout of the internet in its entirety and struggled to find a completed list or even a started list for that matter.
Any info would be much appreciated.