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A quick(ish) look at the new(ish) Giant Bomb user summary page

I noticed the other day that now when I go on someone else's page (or my own for that matter) it no longer displays two pieces of information which I used to find pretty useful. I am using the term 'useful' fairly loosely here but I referring to the user's Giant Bomb page DOB/reawakening- the day they subscribed to Giant Bomb and their wiki submission position in relation to all other GB members. I'm 98% sure that my disappointment is NOT related to the feeling of superiority over those who were not as quick to join as myself but like I said, there is a 2% chance it is....
I find both stats useful or interesting because it was a good way of seeing the GB community grow. I, like many others I am sure, often peruse the GB forums and blogs and end up looking at specific people's profiles in a non-going-to-find-where-you-live-and-cut-off-a-lock-of-your-hair-manner. I liked seeing people who hadn't joined at day 1 but still got stuck in. For me, some websites are like Gears of War- if you haven't been playing from the start, don't even bother trying to play online now. This is what it felt like at Gamespot and just as I was starting to feel comfortable- they went and isolated me even more by losing close to 10 of the writers whose opinions I cared about and trusted. But every cloud..... yada yada yada and here we are on Giant Bomb.
I know that at the time of writing this there are 62,456 members on Giant Bomb- a hell-a big number but where do I rank in that? I remember the days when I was in the top 1000 (we are talking Week 1 when no one had any points because the mods were so overwhelmed with the info being sent to get checked). I imagine I am nowhere near that but I like to think that if I was in the top 10, lets say, that I would get some small recognition on my page. I am sure Marino, who currently sits in 1st place for wiki submissions by a fair margin wouldn't mind it but maybe I wrong and he is not as shallow as me.
Either way, I can't work out why this info was removed. I'm not trying to start up a petition or anything just pondering and if I have missed it on the summary page or anywhere on the profile page let me know so I can deem this post even more irrelevant than it already is. 
Also I guess this isn't really a look at the complete user summary page- more of a look at two specific points which aren't even part of the summary page anymore. My bad.