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Giant Bomb…

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The end of Giant Bomb... in the future.

 Like many of you quick looks and bombcasts are the most enjoyable time of my week. The feeling that I'm eavesdropping in on a room full of good friends who share my hoobie so much and you have the same sense of humour and who just make me feel so warm.
I remember lying in bed in a hotel in glasgow when I had university open days the next day, I was 16, with Jeff and Ryan talking about gatorade tiger in my ear and i felt like we were at the start of something brilliant, laughing like I hadn't laughed in years! Then we went on to how to build a bomb and looking at the awesemome basement office, and flea bombs and everything! Not really knowing who coonce was. Then the podcast in which Brad and Vinny joined the fold! The old blog format, thinking that it was all I needed. All I cared about was a podcast and I got it... then it got longer and longer. I went through girls and friends but Jeff, Ryan, Vinny and Brad were always ther and are still here today helping me get through 2000 word essays on politics and history. Still looking every day to see if there is a new quick look, even when there is a smokin' hot girl in my bed or a bunch of my friends wanting to get ready to head to the pub or the club.
I think of our brilliant memories. The Giant Bomb song by Evan Brass, the E3 Never conversation, MUH BALLS and all our great in-jokes. I think of the jokes to come, the jokes that we will have to make us smile and laugh in the future. For me I have memories like building hay stacks in a field on a sunny day in Scotland and just laughing at some conversation that was going on on the bombcast with the bright sun beating and sweat running down my brow and I think, Some day this will all be a memory, no new quick looks, no new endurance run speculation, no monday turkeys, nothing! and I get upset. 
So guys all I ask is don't be uptight about people taking in-jokes too far, because this is the only oppertunity we have. Mods, don't be too strict, because Giant Bomb means alot to us and we all want to feel part of it and we are sorry if we maybe get to carried away with the moments. Just enjoy being a Giant Bomb follower, as I do! Listen to the Bombcasts, play the games, watch the Quick Looks and just keep being fun. This website, this community, is an adrenaline shot I use to keep myself happy when times are rough and to make the good times fucking amazing. Wherever I go. Whenever I am, I will always have the bombcast and the old hotspot and this team that I love so much and all the great community members who have added to this place! All the people who have put the best Giant Bomb memories on youtube. Dave for loving his damn Russian games. Lemon for actually having a conversation with me on my wall, a guy who has actually met the guys and who himself has created brilliant stuff for the community. Kessler also for the same reason and for JRPG quick looks. Everyone. I love you all.
I hate using the emo love heart but.
I<3 you Giant bomb.