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PC Gamers look here for your saviour!

So if you're looking here you are probably a PC gamer and if you're like me you've had to reformat because of either a new computer/crash/virus or whatever. If you've done that then you might have experienced something along the lines of forgetting to backup your game saves for a game (CoD:MW for example which I lost all my Multiplayer profile) and losing all your progress. Well I've found a solution to your woes of lost game saves!   

Enter Gamesavemanager.  
This program will search your computer for all your games, including Steam games (and ones supported by steam cloud if you don't trust it) and then you will be able to make an archive will all those save files. The database is constantly being updated and if your game isn't supported there is an option for custom game save locations. 
It can even set a scheduled task to back up your games while you sleep. 
But what happens if my computer crashes and all my archives are lost!?! You ask.  

Enter Dropbox (or if you want to be nice click this referral link + you get an extra 250mb) 
Gamesavemanager has the option to back up to your dropbox folder so you will have a cloud based archive of your game saves that you can access anywhere! 
So what are you waiting for? Protect all that time invested into your gaming and save those saves!