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The crazy days of Steam holiday sale! Day 12

So first of all a very happy new year to you all, your friends and families. May it be a beautiful year where darkness brightens up. 
Now for VIDEOGAMES. Ah as of this writing I have 10 games in my (virtual) shopping trolley. Yes day 12 is for me personally the best day so far. Some of these games are not for everyone and one of them is actually kind of bad if you look at the rest of the series. 
But first of a very good entry: 

 Set sail for the Orient!
 Set sail for the Orient!
Anno 1404 Gold or Dawn of Discovery for you Americans, what you don't know where Anno (Domini) stands for? Or maybe they just thought "Dawn of Discovery" sounds hipper.  
Anyway, if you like any sort of build sim: Sim City, Civilization, Tropico,   buy this now! This game is great, it's awesome. Really I love it. I already own it. But that's the German collector's edition (Don't ask) Meaning that if I want the expansion I need to get it from Germany, getting it cheaper than 19,99 from there is probably not going to work any time soon. 

Fire main cannons! 
Fire main cannons! 
Empire & Napoleon Total War - Game of the Year Edition
Was this actually game of the year anywhere? Doesn't really matter. I just wonder sometimes with certain GOTY editions. What does actually matter  is that I suck at Total War. No really I SUCK at it. Rome? Can't even win at the EASIEST setting. Clearly I am doing it wrong. I mean I can play Civ at Prince level (I know, let me be) so I am not the worst tactician. So why am I buying this? Cause I love the idea. It just looks so awesome. With the ships and everything. Also it plays in one of my favorite periods in history. 

It has amazing clock graphics! 
It has amazing clock graphics! 
Far Cry 2: Fortune Edition 

From Steam: " 

Non-scripted artificial intelligence

  — Medics will drag wounded soldiers to safety. Grunts will come to fear you. Your reputation and in-game actions will make enemies drop their guns and run for their lives. Feel the tension of never knowing just how an enemy will react." 
I am actually uncertain of how good this works but with overall critics being positive I really want to try this out. A free roaming world where your actions matter, those are the games I like. 

This was a good game, until they called it Twilight.
This was a good game, until they called it Twilight.
Command and Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight 

I am buying this to see how the wrap up the story. That's it. Some time ago I was in a game store and someone was doubting between this and Dawn of War 2. I convinced him to buy the latter. Actually now I'm typing this I realize that 12,49 is still too much for this game. Not buying this. Ha this blog just saved me money. 

 Sometimes it's only after 4 hours that I attack the enemy. Guess what my play style is.
 Sometimes it's only after 4 hours that I attack the enemy. Guess what my play style is.
Supreme Commander 2
It's not as good as the first one. Still at 5 "euro-bucks" I'm totally getting this. 
 Land my little planes, land!
 Land my little planes, land!
Flight Control HD 

Yes, say it. Now let's carry on ok? For those who are not too busy sighing and face-palming, I'm buying this as a little something to do while listening to podcasts. 

This was back when LucasArts made good games. 
This was back when LucasArts made good games. 
Star Wars Jedi Knight Collection 

4,75 for the entire Jedi Knight Collection is criminal. I am a happy thief. I don't know how well they will look today, but back then oh I totally loved it. These are for those that were disappointed with Force Unleashed and don't mind playing an older game. 

I have no idea what's going on. 
I have no idea what's going on. 
Guardians of Graxia + Map Pack 

This looks like some kind of mixture of Magic the Gathering and Stratego. Hmm looks interesting and again at that price, I'm happy to try it out. The 62 cents more I'll pay, you never know I might like this and have saved me an extra 1,50. See it as an investment. 

 I was born in 1986
 I was born in 1986
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat (Loyalty Promo)
I own Shadow of Chernobyl since last years holiday sale, I haven't played it yet. Déja vu anyone?  
This did interest me: " Extended system of handmade side quests" Handmade? Is that a thing now? Is there something as a computer-generated side quest? Where the computer goes ok you need to collect X amount by killing X. Ok now for a story.. uhmm Well X needs your help because Y did Z and now V is totally M'd.? 

I am spending way too much money, maybe next year I should set my self a budget.
So now for my first game in 2011: Dragon Age: Origins!